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Tham gia [Hs] - Cộng Đồng Luyện Thi Trực Tuyến để được học tập những kiến thức bổ ích từ Loga
Câu 1 [28346] - []

Drivers must go to garages to periodically to_____. 

Câu 2 [28345] - []

“ Is swimming under water very difficult?” – “ No. it’s just a matter _____ able to control your breathing.” 

Câu 3 [28344] - []

Susie and Fran _____________us last night, so I had to quickly defrost a pizza. 

Câu 4 [28343] - []

I think you need to ______________your ideas more clearly so that the reader doesn’t get confused. 

Câu 5 [28342] - []

I_____________dinner. Just as it was ready, Chris and Jane phoned to say that they couldn’t come. 

Câu 6 [28341] - []

For people to be able to survive in groups, individuals had to cooperate with each other, rather than _________________. 

Câu 7 [28340] - []

The production of different kinds of artificial materials ____________ essential to the conservation of our natural resources. 

Câu 8 [28339] - []

Therapists are currently using mental imagery in the hope that                                 in the treatment of cancer. 

Câu 9 [28338] - []

Susan was alone in the house when the fire __________. 

Câu 10 [28337] - []

If I were you, I would take more ________in my work. 

Câu 11 [28336] - []

Not until now __________ popularly recognized that man is destroying the environment. 

Câu 12 [28335] - []

The doctor recommended that the patient ________as soon as possible. 

Câu 13 [28334] - []

You should seriously consider ________a dancer. You are such a great performer 

Câu 14 [28333] - []

There is too ________bad news on TV tonight. 

Câu 15 [28332] - []

We arrived __________Ho Chi Minh City _______9 p.m. ________a hot summer day. 

Câu 16 [28331] - []

He talks about football for hours ________end. 

Câu 17 [28330] - []

The government is thinking of bringing ____a law to make it compulsory for cyclists to wear crash helmets. 

Câu 18 [28329] - []

I object _________the way some people look down you just because you’re a foreigner. 

Câu 19 [28328] - []

I didn’t get home until after midnight last night. Otherwise, I ________your call. 

Câu 20 [28327] - []

The players’ protests _____no difference to the referee’s decision at all. 

Câu 21 [28326] - []

As the drug took ________, the patient became quieter. 

Câu 22 [28325] - []

Making mistakes is all _______of growing up. 

Câu 23 [28324] - []

With the help of German experts, the factory produced _______cars in 2016 as the year before. 

Câu 24 [28323] - []

Mary didn‟t mention _________about her progress report at work, but I‟m sure she is. 

Câu 25 [28322] - []

It was a service ________I will be eternally grateful

Câu 26 [28321] - []

It turned out that we _______rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours. 

Câu 27 [28320] - []

He was given a medal in ____________ of his service to the country. 

Câu 28 [28319] - []

The hall was very crowded with over a hundred people_________into it. 

Câu 29 [28318] - []

By the time you come here tomorrow, the work _____________ 

Câu 30 [28317] - []

When he realized the police had spotted him, the man ________the exit as quickly as possible. 

Câu 31 [28316] - []

The students are expected to stick___________ their school’s regulation. 

Câu 32 [28315] - []

A little farther down the street_________ 

Câu 33 [28314] - []

Trilobites, a group of spineless animals, flourished in the oceans for several hundred million years____________some 200 million years ago. 

Câu 34 [28313] - []

It was __________that we went camping in the mountain last weekend. 

Câu 35 [28312] - []

I didn’t know __________my answer was right or wrong. 

Câu 36 [28311] - []

Let's begin our discussion now, ______? 

Câu 37 [28310] - []

I will stand here and wait for you ______ you come back. 

Câu 38 [28309] - []

I will stand here and wait for you ______ you come back. 

Câu 39 [28308] - []

It ____ me only five minutes to get to school 

Câu 40 [28307] - []

The last person ______ the room must turn off the lights. 

Câu 41 [28306] - []

It is imperative that your face book password ________ confidential. 

Câu 42 [28305] - []

Would you mind ________ me a favor and posting this letter for me? 

Câu 43 [28304] - []

It was ______ we met Mr. Brown in Tokyo. 

Câu 44 [28303] - []

Mr. Hamilton recently found a sister who was thought ____________ thirty years ago. 

Câu 45 [28302] - []

Have you seen today's paper? It _______ they've caught those million-pound bank robbers. 

Câu 46 [28301] - []

Our teacher told us that if we don't ___________ the environment, our grandchildren may not even be able to carry on living. 

Câu 47 [28300] - []

Let me please _______ my memory before I get down to answering the questions. 

Câu 48 [28299] - []

Nowadays, most developed countries have brought malaria ___________ control. 

Câu 49 [28298] - []

“How tall is Ralph?” “He's __________ than you are.” 

Câu 50 [28297] - []

We cleaned up the room as soon as the guests ____________. 

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