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Câu 1 [33131] - []

_____ hard he has worked, he hardly supports his family of ten people.

Câu 2 [33130] - []

Being well-dress and punctual can help you create a good _____ on your interview.

Câu 3 [33129] - []

The man who lives opposite us sometimes comes _____ for a cup of coffee.

Câu 4 [33128] - []

He will do the work and then send you the _____ for it.

Câu 5 [33127] - []

I had a_____, which I couldn’t explain, that something terrible was going to happen.

Câu 6 [33126] - []

All his plans for starting his own business fell _____.

Câu 7 [33125] - []

It is not _____ to be drunk in the street.

Câu 8 [33124] - []

ASEAN _____ Association of Southeast Asian Nations, a regional organization which promotes intergovernmental cooperation and facilitates economic integration amongst its members.

Câu 9 [33123] - []

The living conditions in the rural areas of the country _____ during the past five years.

Câu 10 [33122] - []

My brother had his camera _____ from his car in the office car-park.

Câu 11 [33121] - []

This statue is a life-like _____ of Christ Jesus.

Câu 12 [33120] - []

A : Do you mind if we schedule the meeting for 11 o’clock?

B : Well, actually, I _____ earlier.

Câu 13 [33119] - []

John: “Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?”

Laura: “______”

Câu 14 [33118] - []

– “How do you like your steak done?”

– “ ______.”

Câu 15 [33117] - []

The forecast has revealed that the world’s reserves of fossil fuel will have ______ by 2015.

Câu 16 [33116] - []

The United States consists of fifty states, ______ has its own government.

Câu 17 [33115] - []

“This library card will give you free access ______ the Internet eight hours a day.”

Câu 18 [33114] - []

Susan’s doctor insists ______ for a few days.

Câu 19 [33113] - []

There should be an international law against ______.

Câu 20 [33112] - []

Through an ______, your letter was left unanswered.

Câu 21 [33111] - []

There was nothing they could do ______ leave the car at the roadside where it had broken down.

Câu 22 [33110] - []

She had to hand in her notice ______ advance when she decided to leave the job.

Câu 23 [33109] - []

Lora: “Your new blouse looks gorgeous, Helen!”

Helen: “______.”

Câu 24 [33108] - []

My mother told me to ______ for an electrician when her fan was out of order.

Câu 25 [33107] - []

“Buy me a newspaper on your way back, ______?”

Câu 26 [33106] - []

We couldn’t fly ______ because all the tickets had been sold out.

Câu 27 [33105] - []

His flat looks so _______ that it is difficult to believe he had just had a party last night.

Câu 28 [33104] - []

Sportsmen _________ their political differences on the sport field.

Câu 29 [33103] - []

Parts of the country are suffering water _______ after the unusually dry summer.

Câu 30 [33102] - []

______ of all the staff, I would like to wish you a happy retirement.

Câu 31 [33101] - []

“Buy me a newspaper on your way back,_______?”

Câu 32 [33100] - []

Nowadays, chemicals are _______ into some fruits to reduce decay.

Câu 33 [33099] - []

We can’t get everything we want from life; we must just make the best_______ it.

Câu 34 [33098] - []

______ further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency powers.

Câu 35 [33097] - []

It is desirable that the plane _________ as light as possible.

Câu 36 [33096] - []

In England, English, Math and Science are ______ subjects at school.

Câu 37 [33095] - []

The guidelines in this book can help you become a ________ speaker.

Câu 38 [33094] - []

The theory of relativity __________ by Einstein, who was a famous physicist.

Câu 39 [33093] - []

There is ______ to be a serious energy crisis in the next century.

Câu 40 [33092] - []

They’ve written to each other for years, but this is the first time they’ve met _______.

Câu 41 [33091] - []

This writer was also known as a _______ literary critic.

Câu 42 [33090] - []

When we visit ____ South, we stopped at ____ Civil War Museum in ____ Atlanta.

Câu 43 [33089] - []

He lost in the election because he is a weak and _________ leader.

Câu 44 [33088] - []

Helen has just bought ______________.

Câu 45 [33087] - []

Maria has only one eye, she lost ______ 3 years ago after falling on some broken glass.

Câu 46 [33086] - []

His father is a bank manager, ______ makes him easy to have a good job.

Câu 47 [33085] - []

I’d rather you ______ for me here.

Câu 48 [33084] - []

_______ he took off his dark glasses, I recognized him.

Câu 49 [33083] - []

______ a famous personality has its advantages and its disadvantages.

Câu 50 [33082] - []

He _______ on his computer for more than two hours when he decided to stop for a rest.

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