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Mini test từ vựng, từ loại --02

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37 phút
Miễn phí
Tham gia [Hs] - Cộng Đồng Luyện Thi Trực Tuyến để được học tập những kiến thức bổ ích từ Loga
Câu 1 [39703] - []

The weather is going to change soon, I feel it in my_______.


Câu 2 [39702] - []

I’ like to_______ this old car for a new model but I can’t afford it.


Câu 3 [39701] - []

The information in this article is_________innaccurate.


Câu 4 [39700] - []

Mr. Brown was given the award in____of his services to the hospital.


Câu 5 [39699] - []

She has been very interested in doing research on________.


Câu 6 [39698] - []

He was the only ______ that was offered the job.


Câu 7 [39697] - []

According to a recent survey, most young people think that they are concerned with ______ attractiveness when choosing a husband or wife.


Câu 8 [39696] - []

You should make a(n) …………to answer the questions the interviewer asks.

A. effort               B. impression                C. enthusiasm               D. confidence

Câu 9 [39695] - []

My classmate was really happy when she received the letter of ______ from Ho Chi Minh city University of Education.


Câu 10 [39694] - []

Traditionally in Vietnam, the wedding ceremony starts in front of the ______.


Câu 11 [39693] - []

Waving, nodding, pointing and hand raising are considered ______ forms of communication.


Câu 12 [39692] - []

Children in England don’t have to pay tuition fee when they go to ______ school.


Câu 13 [39691] - []

Some days of rest may help to _______ the pressure of work.


Câu 14 [39690] - []

In his latest speech, the Secretary General_______ the importance of wildlife conservation.


Câu 15 [39689] - []

Students who study far from home often have problems with _______.


Câu 16 [39688] - []

I am _______ at paying my bills on time.


Câu 17 [39687] - []

In spite of his abilities, Peter has been ______ overlooked for promotion.


Câu 18 [39686] - []

Please don’t…………..a word of this to anyone else, it’s highly confidential.


Câu 19 [39685] - []

Her outgoing character contrasts ______ with that of her sister.


Câu 20 [39684] - []

Like most marine mammals and land mammals, whales are ______ creatures.


Câu 21 [39683] - []

Vitamin D is necessary to aid the ______ of calcium from food.


Câu 22 [39682] - []

Universities send letters of _________ to successful candidates by post


Câu 23 [39681] - []

Pesticide residues in fruit and vegetable can be _______ to health.


Câu 24 [39680] - []

The architects have made _______ use of glass and transparent plastic.


Câu 25 [39679] - []

We truly respected our father and always _______ by his rule.


Câu 26 [39678] - []

My sister is a woman of______age.


Câu 27 [39677] - []

People have used coal and oil to______electricity for a long time.



Câu 28 [39676] - []

It’s important to project a(n) ______ image during the interview.


Câu 29 [39675] - []

The new sports complex ______ will accommodate an Olympic-sized swimming pool and others including fitness center, and a spa, to name just a few.


Câu 30 [39674] - []

She is so…………. to her children that she has decided to quit her job to stay at home and look after them.


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