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Mini tets từ vựng, từ loại --01

1 lượt thi
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37 phút
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Tham gia [Hs] - Cộng Đồng Luyện Thi Trực Tuyến để được học tập những kiến thức bổ ích từ Loga
Câu 1 [39673] - []

Mr. Simpkims is the big ______ in the company as he has just been promoted to the position of Managing Director.


Câu 2 [39672] - []

I am not used to the cold weather here, so I need to have a heating system ______.


Câu 3 [39671] - []

Travelling to ______ countries in the world enables me to learn many interesting things.

A. differ             B. difference               C. differently               D. different

Câu 4 [39670] - []

Jim didn't break the vase on ______, but he was still punished for his carelessness.


Câu 5 [39669] - []

Thanks to her father's encouragement, she has made great ______ in her study.


Câu 6 [39668] - []

They were among the first companies to exploit the ______ of the Internet.


Câu 7 [39667] - []

Internet________has helped bloggers share their experiences and opinions easily and quickly.


Câu 8 [39666] - []

My brother has no________in football.


Câu 9 [39665] - []

A university degree is considered to be a_______ for entry into most professions.


Câu 10 [39664] - []

The of_______ the Internet has played an important part in the development of communication.

Câu 11 [39663] - []

________A survey was to study the effects of smoking on young adults.


Câu 12 [39662] - []

Mr Brown has kindly agreed to spare us some of his_______ time to answer our questions.


Câu 13 [39661] - []

It is not always easy to make_________ a good at the last minute.


Câu 14 [39660] - []

Military is…………………in this country. Every man who reaches the age of 18 has to serve in the army for two years.


Câu 15 [39659] - []

The party leader travelled the length and_____of the country in an attempt to spread his message.


Câu 16 [39658] - []

The move to a different environment had brought about a significant______in Mary’s state of mind.


Câu 17 [39657] - []

The police have begun an________ into the accident which happened this afternoon.


Câu 18 [39656] - []

Students normally enter university from the onwards and study for an………


Câu 19 [39655] - []

_________flowers are usually made of plastic or silk.


Câu 20 [39654] - []

A/An_______is an official document stating that you have passed an examination, completed a course, or achieved some necessary qualifications


Câu 21 [39653] - []

The child has no problem reciting the poem; he has ______ it to memory.


Câu 22 [39652] - []

______ individuals are those who share the same hobbies, interests, or points of view.


Câu 23 [39651] - []

A good leader should not be conservative, but rather ______ to new ideas.


Câu 24 [39650] - []

Violent films may have a negative ______ on children.


Câu 25 [39649] - []

Project-based learning provides wonderful opportunities for students to develop their ______.


Câu 26 [39648] - []

Coal and oil are _______.

A. minerals              B. gasolines               C. marines                   D. mentals

Câu 27 [39647] - []

Several toxic gases are very ________ to our health.


Câu 28 [39646] - []

The ______ of the moon for the Earth cause tides.


Câu 29 [39645] - []

Waste paper can be used again after being ______.


Câu 30 [39644] - []

Remember that things such as language, food and clothing are simply expressions of our cultural______.


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