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Tham gia [Hs] - Cộng Đồng Luyện Thi Trực Tuyến để được học tập những kiến thức bổ ích từ Loga
Câu 1 [39738] - []

The more challenging the job is, _______.


Câu 2 [28891] - []

I can accept criticism in general, but Martin____ it too far, so I had no other option but to show my disapproval. 

Câu 3 [29122] - []

Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside. 

Câu 4 [28422] - []

Instead of forcing their children to do things in a very controlling way, parents try to _______ with their children and explain what they expect them to do and why. 

Câu 5 [24744] - []

Students usually ___ their GCSE at the age of sixteen.

Câu 6 [15115] - []

Mark the letter A,B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Without her teacher‘s advice, she would never have written such a good essay.

Câu 7 [28663] - []

It seems that the rain is letting………………. . 

Câu 8 [32955] - []

Jack is the only person _________ understands me.

Câu 9 [3949] - []

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the followings.

It takes me 15 minutes to get ready.

Câu 10 [29547] - []

Inadequate supply of oxygen to the blood can cause death within minutes.

Câu 11 [30322] - []

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions

Câu 12 [28689] - []

Let us do……………these regulations. 

Câu 13 [4560] - []

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct wordfor each of the blanks.

Scientists say that (44) _______ the next thirty years we will not be able to tell the difference between the real people and the virtual people- that is, people created by computer. These virtual humans are already in films and computer games and engineers are setting up experiments to see if they can develop a (45) _______ feeling virtual people. And the prediction is that these virtual people will be better than us humans- because they are basically a machine, they can (46) _______ data and remember it much better than we can. In addition, they are starting to look much more like us. They are already used to (47) _______ research that may be dangerous for humans, such as on equipment for the army. The “virtuals” are very good at following procedures exactly so scientists can get reliable results. Engineers are carrying out further tests to find out how to get the virtual beings to understand conversation. Now, we can only “talk” to them by typing. But if you (48) _______ the internet, you will find more and more sites devoted to virtual humans- we are just at the beginning of what they can do.

Câu 14 [26545] - []

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITTE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Most of the school-leavers are sanguine about the idea of going to work and earning money. 

Câu 15 [822] - []

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Although it’s a long day for us, we feel we are contented with what we do.

Câu 16 [28548] - []

My father still hasn’t really recovered from the death of my mother. 

Câu 17 [28524] - []

Stephen always wanted to be an actor when he ________ up. 

Câu 18 [28327] - []

The players’ protests _____no difference to the referee’s decision at all. 

Câu 19 [33167] - []

I see the girl and her dog ________ are running in the park.

Câu 20 [27381] - []

Complete the sentence.She told me that she _____ physiology.

Câu 21 [679] - []

This boy is poorly-educated and doesn’t know how to behave properly.

Câu 22 [3660] - []

There are many______in our library.

Câu 23 [27396] - []

Complete the sentence.Peter asked me _____.

Câu 24 [4547] - []

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the given one.

If you practise harder you will have better results.


Câu 25 [28855] - []

I’m not going to go ice skating! I’d only fall over and __________ a fool of myself. 

Câu 26 [54751] - []

The players' protests ________ no difference to the referee's decision at all.

Câu 27 [20264] - []

Noisy parties are really not my _______.

Câu 28 [26007] - []

The noise from the karaoke bar nearby was unbrearable. It kept me wide ______ last night.

Câu 29 [27555] - []

Complete the sentence.Foreign _____ institutions are increasingly open in Vietnam, especially in the fields of English language and business.

Câu 30 [28681] - []

Our dog has been run……………by a car. 

Câu 31 [53812] - []

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The greater part of London ________  of wood, but after the great fire, wider streets and brick houses ________.

Câu 32 [602] - []

We expected him at eight, but he finally _______at midnight.

Câu 33 [13519] - []

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

 I remember ____________ to that place once.

Câu 34 [26440] - []

We __________ on the beach now if we hadn't missed the plane.

Câu 35 [13520] - []

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Small children are often told that it is rude _______ at other people.

Câu 36 [27385] - []

Complete the sentence.She wondered _____ now, after so many years away.

Câu 37 [39681] - []

Pesticide residues in fruit and vegetable can be _______ to health.


Câu 38 [39685] - []

Her outgoing character contrasts ______ with that of her sister.


Câu 39 [54748] - []

________ is the existence of a large number of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment.

Câu 40 [28252] - []

Complete the sentence.If she _____ rich, she would travel around the world.

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