1.I (be)........at school at the weekend. 2.she(not study)...........on Friday 3.My students (be not)............hard working 4.He (have)............a new haircut today 5.I usually (have).............breakfast at 7.00 6.She( live).............in florida 7.you(speak).............English? 8.My sister (work).........in the bank 9.Dog (like)...........meat 10.She (live)........in a house? 11.It (rain)..........alamost every day in Manchester 12.We (fly)............to spain every summer 13.My mother (fry)............eggs for breakfast every morning 14.The bank (close)...........at four o'clock 15.john (try).........hard in class, but I (not thik)......... he'll pass. 16.My life (be) so boring. I just (Watch)...........TV every night. 17.My best friend (Write)............to me every week.

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