Cho góc nhọn xOy. Gọi M là một điểm thuộc tia phân giác của góc xOy. KẺ MA vuông góc với Ox(A thuộc Ox) kẻ MB vuông góc với OY(B thuộc Oy) a CM: MA=MB VÀ TÂM GIÁC OAB là tam giác cân b đường thẳng BM cắt Ox tại D, ĐƯỜNG THẲNG am CẮT Oy tại E. CM: MD=ME c CM: OM vuông góc với DE giúp mình đi

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Giúp mình với mọi ngừoi ơi , làm 1 bài cũng được II/ Rewrite the following sentences , using phrases of purpose. 1. Leave early so that you may get home before dark. 2. This man changed his address constantly so that he could avoid the police. 3. I shouted in order that I could warn everyone of danger. 4. Banks are developed so that they can keep people’s money safe. 5. Mary went to the library in order that she could borrow some books. 6. Yesterday father went to the bank so that he would open a checking account. 7. I went to see him so that I could find out what had happened. 8. Tom is saving up so that he can buy a new bicycle. 9. He hurried so that he could catch the train. 10. She is learning French so that she will be able to speak it when she comes to Paris. III/ Change the phrases of purpose to clause of purpose or vice versa: 1. We hurried to school so as not to be late. 2. He climbed the tree in order to get a better view. 3. You should get up early so that you will have time to review your lesson. 4. Some young people like to earn their own living in order that they will be independent of their parents. 5. We should do morning exercises regularly so as to improve our health. 6. We should take advantage of the scientific achievements of the world so that we can develop our national economy. 7. Everyone in the world must unite their efforts to maintain and protect peace. 8. She put on warm clothes so that she would not catch cold. 9. He hurried to the station so as not to miss the train. 10. She locked the door so as not to be disturbed