Conditional Sentence Type II : Câu điều kiện loại 2 1: Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense 1. If I had a typewriter, I __________ (type) it myself. 2. If I __________ (know) his address, I'd give it to you. 3 .He __________ (look) a lot better if he shaved more often. 4. If you __________ (play) for lower stake,s you wouldn't lose so much. 5. If he worked more slowly, he __________ (not make) so many mistakes. 6. I shouldn't drink that wine if I __________ (be) you. 7. More tourists would come to this country if it __________ (have) a better climate. 8. If I were sent to prison, you __________ (visit) me? 9. If someone __________ (give) you a helicopter, what would you do with it? 10. I __________ (buy) shares in that company if I had some money. 2: Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense 1) If you__________ (help) your grandma, I__________ (do) the shopping. 2) Andrew__________ (water) the flowers if he__________ (stay) at home. 3) If she__________ (have) 5 pounds more, she__________ (buy) herself this T-shirt. 4) If they__________ (offer) me the job, I__________ (take) it. 5) You__________ (have) summer holidays from June till August if you__________ (live) in the USA. 6) We__________ (sell) the bike for 20 Euros if Ron__________ (repair) it. 7) If you__________ (use) a pencil, the drawing__________ (be) perfect. 8) The children__________ (be) happy if he__________ (teach) them English. 9) If Peter__________ ( visit) us, we__________(go) out tonight. 10) They__________ (come) again if he __________ (plan) a second stay. 3: Using the given information, make conditional sentences with IF 1. They are poor, so they can’t help us. → If they ................................................................................................... 2. He doesn’t do his homework. He is always punished. → If he ..................................................................................................... 3. He doesn’t have enough time. He can’t help me. → If he ...................................................................................................... 4. She doesn’t take any exercise, so she is overweight. → If she .................................................................................................... 5. He doesn’t have a bicycle, so he always goes to class late. → He wouldn’t ........................................................................................... 6. I am bad at English, so I can’t do homework. → I could ................................................................................................... 7. He doesn’t practise speaking French, so he doesn’t speak it fluently. → If he ....................................................................................................... 8. The meeting can be cancelled because it snows heavily. → If it ..................................................................................................... 9. We don’t go because it will rain. → If it ........................................................................................................ 10. John is fat because he eats so many chips. → If John .................................................................................................. 4.Write a conditional sentence type 2 for each situation, as in the example. 1.People throw rubbish in the street.The street doesn’t look attractive. If people didn’t throw rubbish in the street, it would look attractive. 2.There are so many billboards in our city. People can not enjoy the view. If …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3.There is so much light in the cityat night.We can not see the stars clearly. If ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.We turn on the heater all the time. We have to pay three million dong for electricity a month. If ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5.The karaoke bar makes so much noise almost every night. The residents complain to its owner. If ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6.She has a headache after work every day.She works in a noisy office. If ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Các câu hỏi liên quan

Bài tập 1: Điền dạng đúng của động từ 1. If she ....................(work) hard, she .....................(pass) the exam. 2. If I ..................(come) soon, I ....................(phone) you. 3. She ...................(feel) sad if you ....................(not, give) her a gift. 4. If Peter ......................(go) to work late again, he .................(be) sacked. 5. No one .........................(know) the truth if you ................(not, reveal) 6. If the boy ....................(eat) that apple, he ....................(be) ill. 7. If you .....................(not, hurry), you .....................(miss) the bus. 8. Tell him about this story if you .........................(see) him. 9. If you ..........................(have) a day off where you..............(go)?\ 10. If he ..................(cook) the meal himself, help him. 11. If few people .....................(come) to the meeting, please postpone to the other day. 12. If it .......................(not, be) warm this afternoon, we ...................(put off) the game. 13. Your father ...............(pick) you up if you ..................(come) back late? 14. What you ..................(speak) if you ....................(meet) a foreigner? 15. Unless he .................(answer) all my questions, I ...................(not, help) him. Ex2: Rewrite these sentences by using conditional sentence Type I 1. Turn off all the lights and you will not pay more money. If .......................................................................................................... 2. Unless she wears warm clothes, she will have a cold. If .......................................................................................................... 3. Be careful or you may have an accident. If .......................................................................................................... 4. phone your parents or you have a trouble. If .......................................................................................................... 5. Unless she whispers, everyone knows what she is saying. If .......................................................................................................... 6. Stay here and you will feel save. If .......................................................................................................... 7. Pay electricity bill today or your electricity will be cut off. If .......................................................................................................... 8. Stop smoking otherwise your cough may be worse. If .......................................................................................................... 9. Unless we use less fossil fuel, they will be run out soon. If .......................................................................................................... 10. Unless it stops raining today, we may be faced with a serious flood. If .......................................................................................................... 11.Do morning exercises regularly, your body will be fitter. If .......................................................................................................... 12. Unless we renewable energy, we will have nothing for the future generation. If .......................................................................................................... 13. The climate will change unless we reduce the use of non-renewable energy. If .......................................................................................................... 14. Lock all the doors and noone can break into your house. If .......................................................................................................... 15. Unless we continue hunting polar bears, they will become extinct in near future. If .......................................................................................................... 3.Combine each pair of sentences to make a conditional sentence type 1. 1.Students are more aware of protecting the environment. Teachers teach environmental issues at school. If ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.Light pollution happens. Animals change their behaviour patterns. If ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3.The levels of radioactive polluion decrease.We switch from nuclear power to renewable energy sources. If ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4.The water temperature increases.Some aquatic creatures are unable to reproduces. If……………………………………………………………………………………..................... 5.People get more diseases.The water is contaminated. If …………………………………………………………………………………………………