Ex.1. Fill the gaps. 1.It has got __ tail and 4____. It also has got ___ and ___ skin. It can swim and ___. It’s a frog. 2.It has got ___ and ____. It lives and ___ in water. It’s a fish. 3.It has got ___ and ___. It also has got 2___ and ___. It can __. It’s a bird. 4.It has got 4__ and a tail. It ___got wings. It has got small head, ___neck, __body. It’s a lizard. 5.It has got ___, ___, ____,___. It grows in the ___. It’s a flower. Ex.3. Guess the word. 1.What people and animals breathe? 2.Something that works using electricity. 3.A small useful tool or machine. 4.A person who studies or works in science. 5.To copy something into your computer from another computer or the Internet. 6.A new idea or machine which has been made for the first time. 7.Something that does things or makes things for people. 8.Cloth that used for making things like paper or clothes. Ex.4. Write about your life ten years from now (100 words). Remember to use Future Forms. You should tell: - Where you will live - How the place where you live will change - Describe your study or work - Family life - Your friends

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