Exercise 6. Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1. I've never seen such a boring movie.  It is _________________________________________________________________ 2. Many tourists visit the school every year.  The school ________________________________________________________ 3. They slice the fish and fry it in a frying pan. The fish ___________________________________________________________ 4. French grammar is more difficult than English grammar. French grammar ____________________________________________________ 5. The new building is as high as the old one.  The new building is the same ______________________________________________ 6. What is your favourite subject?  Which subject do _________________________________________________________ ? 7. She is very interested in computers.  She likes ________________________________________________________________. 8. Three bananas cost 15,000 dong. The price of _____________________________________________________________. 9. No building in the town is older than this church.  This church is the ______________________________________________ 10. There is a sink, a tube and a shower in the bathroom.  The bathroom __________________________________________________.

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