the comparative: We could have found the place..................with a map (easily)

III,Write the comparative form of the adj or adv in brackets.Use than where neccssary

3,We could have found the place=-..with a map (easily)

4,I was feeling tired last night,so I went to bed=...usual(early)

5,The weather is getting=...(bad)

6,Health and happiness are==money(imporant)

7,You need to draw it=-...(carefully)

8,I like living in the country,It's=-living in the town(peaceful)

9,We can't hear.Could you speak a little=--..?(slowly)

10,I can't stay =--haft an hour(long)

11,A cellphone would be a=-...present(useful)

12,It's a long way from here to the station - =--I thought(far)

13,Can't you thing of say?(intelligent)

14,It was=--usual in town today.(busy)

15,Unfortunately her illness was=-..we thought at first(serious)

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