tính mùa nào và, biểu hiện của, nguyên nhân và giải pháp cho mùa nào ?
Có hai kho hàng, kho thứ nhất chứa gấp 4 lần kho thứ hai. Nếu chuyển 24 tấn từ kho hàng thứ nhất sang kho thứ hai thì lượng hàng ở kho thứ hai lúc này bằng 5/8 lượng hàng còn lại ở kho thứ nhất. Hỏi lúc đầu mỗi kho chứa bao nhiêu tấn hàng hóa ?
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ai đi ngang qua giải giúp em công nghệ 10 với ạ em cảm ơn
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Viết thủ tục trong Logo: Yêu cầu: Màu vẽ là màu đỏ, độ dài cạnh là 100 nét vẽ là 5
The Statue of Liberty, one of America’s most familiar images, is on an island in New York Harbour. It is a symbol of freedom. Its formal name is Liberty Enlightening the World. It was a gift to American people from the French to show the friendship between the two nations. This is the statue of a woman who iswearing a loose robe and a crown on her head. Her right hand holds a burning torch, and her left hand holdsa tablet with the date July 4, 1776 on it. The statue weighs 205 tons and is 40 m high. It stands on a stoneand concrete base. The base and pedestal increase the height of the monument to 93. The outside is made ofcopper. Inside , it has an iron frame. The statue was completed in 1884 in France, and then transported toAmerica in 1886. Tourists can visit the statue from 9.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily except Christmas Day. *Answer T or F 1. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom 2. She holds a burning torch on her left hand 3. The base and the pedestal are 53 meters high 4. The statue was prensented to America people in 1884 *Answer the questions 1. By whom was the Statue of Liberty made? 2. When was the statue completed?
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