Ý nghĩa lớn nhất của những thành tựu trong công cuộc xây dựng Chủ nghĩa xã hội ở Liên Xô (1945 - 1975) là
A. làm đảo lộn chiến lược toàn cầu của Mĩ. Thể hiện tính ưu việt của chủ nghĩa xã hội. Phát triển kinh tế nâng cao đời sống nhân dân, củng cố quốc phòng.
B. xây dựng, phát triển kinh tế nâng cao đời sống nhân dân.
C. thể hiện tính ưu việt của chủ nghĩa xã hội.
D. làm đảo lộn chiến lược toàn cầu của Mĩ.

Các câu hỏi liên quan

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question:
         We had the marathon today. A dozen of us sped off. People stood on the streets, cheering us on. It was like we were in the Olympics. Peter was ahead of me. So was Owen. Then I shot off. I was racing ahead. My legs were going faster than the rest of me. I sped off onto the main road and kept running past other runners until there was only Peter left in front of me. On and on, I ran. My legs and lungs were hurting but I couldn't stop. Just outside the town, I ran past Peter. A minute later, I was declared the winner of the marathon. Everyone cheered and clapped. It was hot. I was perspiring. I could hardly breathe but it didn't matter. I felt like a hero.
1. How many students took part in the marathon?A. There were many students.                  B. There were a few.C. There were ten.                                    D. There were twelve.
2. At first the writer ran ___________.A. very fastB. very slowlyC. as quickly as his friend, PeterD. more slowly than his friends, Peter and Owen
3. After a long distance of running, he felt _________ .A. very strong              B. very tired                  C. very excited                D. happy
4. He ran past over Peter _______________ .A. after some minutesB. outside of the townC. inside the townD. after a minute
5. He was declared _________________.A. the hero of the marathonB. the winner of the marathonC. the strongest of the marathonD. the healthy man of the marathon
A. 1. D                2. D                     3. B                       4. B                     5. B
B. 1. D                2. D                     3. B                       4. A                     5. B
C. 1. D                2. D                     3. C                       4. B                     5. B
D. 1. D                2. A                     3. B                       4. B                     5. B