The .... dressed woman in the advertisement has a posed smile on her face.
A. modernly
B. stylishly
C. newly
D. stylistically
B: stylishly bổ nghĩa cho dressed
The situation has become... worse, and it is now impossible to handle.
A. progressively
B. continuously
C. frequently
D. constantly
The fire has been extinguished and the house has been ... damaged
A. extensively
B. intensively
C. expansively
D. intentionally
All the characters in his fiction are.... imaginary, but readers can always find them familiar
A. wholly
B. utterly
C. barely
D. purely
I'm afraid you may find the truth somewhat .....
A. inedible
B. unpalatable
C. indigestible
D. unmanageable
You are under no obligation to help as assistance is purely....
A. voluntary
B. free
C. charitable
D. donated
I find his behaviour towards me quite... He treats me like an idiot.
A. offending
B. insulting
C. crude
D. ill- mannered
The ..... feeling at the meeting was that we should go ahead.
A. predicted
B. pre-eminent
C. prefabricated
D. predominant
Soliers have been sent in to try to restore ... in the area.
a. order
b. harmony
c. organisation
d. regulation
The look on his face when he attacked me was absolutely..... I'll never forget it.
A. petrifying
B. scaring
C. fearing
D. afraid
Shortly after receiving her gold medal, the Olympic champion answered questions at a press.....
A. conference
B. assembly
C. discussion
D. seminar