Environmental pollution is a problem that attracts the attention of the whole society. It is a change in the nature of the environment, causing one or more physical and chemical indicators to exceed the permitted level. The main cause of this phenomenon is due to the lack of human awareness: not handling waste properly, using too much plant protection chemicals or simply throwing rubbish indiscriminately ... Oh Environmental pollution has become a global problem, leaving unpredictable consequences both long-term and long-term. Rough human intervention in nature destroys ecological balance, deprives habitat and drives many species of plants and animals to extinction. At the same time, the greenhouse effect is happening with increasing intensity, causing the Earth's temperature to rise at a record level, resulting in a range of consequences: climate change, rising sea levels, submerged land ... But perhaps the biggest impact of this phenomenon is human health with a dizzying increase in diseases directly related to environmental factors: cancer, tuberculosis, and malformations. in newborns. The time has come, we need to join hands to combat environmental pollution by concrete actions: economically using natural resources, prioritizing environmentally friendly products, actively participating in the activities of international organizations, condemning harsh acts of environmental destruction .I think it's very important for everyone