The time now is addicted to shopping problem remains controversial, the diagnostic criteria of the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization did not have diagnostic criteria for this disorder. However, this is a long disorder (Power led from the early 19th century) and the increasingly serious impact for many people with the growing number of people infected. Therefore, more psychiatrists and psychologists have studied this issue in more depth.
National Institute of American substance abuse disorders shopaholics regarded as a behavioral disorder because they have the same reasons the other coercive acts "quality" here is not addictive like other substances (alcohol , tobacco, drugs). However, it has one thing in common is a feeling of stimulation prior to the purchase behavior, followed by a feeling of happiness and satisfaction when shopping, and will arise feeling guilty, anxious after shopping.
Besides, usually the impulse shopping potential causes of emotional and behavioral adverse reactions such as frustration, stress, anger or anxiety by shopping; a sense of living habits to break and spending under control standards of individual and family - this tension or conflict in the family and other relationships, there is a feeling of anxiety when shopping, to experience feelings out through the taboo itself in the perception of shopping, there is guilt or remorse after shopping by breaking their own promises, buy things that are sometimes used and never exceeded specified outside spending by purpose of use, worry about family finances and myself spent a lot of money by shopping.