Ex1. Fill in the correct form: Gerund or Infinitive (with or without "TO") 1. It's impossible __________________ on this pitch because the ball won't bounce. (PLAY) 2. They accused his youngest son of __________________ the fence. (BREAK) 3. I blamed him for __________________ me with my homework. That's why I got a bad mark. (NOT HELP) 4. I would like to know why he insisted on __________________ this alone (DO). 5. I suggest __________________ for a walk this afternoon. How about it? (GO) 6. The doctor advised him __________________ swimming because of his cold. (NOT GO) 7. I managed to balance my account without __________________ out a new loan. (TAKE) 8. I can't afford __________________ money on new clothes. (SPEND) 9. She can't tolerate __________________ the centre of attention. (NOT BE) 10. I regret __________________ that the event must be cancelled due to the circumstances. (SAY) 11. Dad demanded __________________ what I was doing up at this time of the night. (KNOW) 12. For some people it's difficult to get used __________________ up early in the morning. (WAKE) 13. Why did you avoid __________________ your father the truth? (TELL) 14. Do you fancy __________________ out with me tonight? (GO) 15. In the old days you were allowed __________________ almost everywhere. (SMOKE) 16. My teacher forbade us __________________ school during lessons. (LEAVE) 17. I forgot __________________ at the store for some groceries. (STOP) 18. This car needs __________________. Could you do for me? (WASH) 19. We postponed __________________ to the cinema until next week. (GO) 20. I didn't expect her __________________ the award. (WIN) 21. He spends all his spare time __________________ stamps and coins. (COLLECT)

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