So sánh các câu sau đây 1 chồng tôi đau ốm, ông không được phép hành hạ! 2 chồng tôi đau ốm, ông đừng hành hạ! 3 chồng tôi đau ốm, xin ông chớ hành hạ! a) xác định sắc thái mệnh lệnh trong các câu trên b) các câu nào có tác dụng nhất? Vì sao?

Các câu hỏi liên quan

I- Put each verb in bracket into a suitable tenses or forms(5pts) 1- It’s a pity you missed the party. If you (come) (meet) ......................... my friend from Hungary. 2- If we (have) .........................some tools, we (be) to repair the car, but we haven’t had any with us. 3. Fish and many animals are killed by .......................... in their habitat. (pollute) 4- It’s a beautiful house, and I (buy) if I (have) .........................the money, but I can’t afford it. 5. In many developing countries, water pollution is usually a leading cause of ......................... (die) II- Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown(5pts) 1. I’ll call the police if you don’t leave me alone. Unless........................................................................................................................................ 2. It’s a shame we don’t have a TV. I wish......................................................................................................................................... 3. Aquatic life suffers to dies because there is thermal pollution. Because of................................................................................................................................ 4. There are asthma, allergies and other respiratory illnesses when air pollution happens. (leads to) .................................................................................................................................... 5. Make me some coffee, and I’ll give you some sweets. If..........................................................................................................................................…