Exercise 1: Give the names of the following, the first letter of each word is given. 1. e____________ 2. r____________ 3. w___________ 4. c____________ 5. d____________ 6. n____________ Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer 1. ‘Why are you laughing so hard?’ ‘I am watching a ________. It’s really funny!’ A. drama B. news C. comedy D. romance 2. Did you watch the ________ about the history of India? A. documentary B. sitcom C. news D. game 3. I love ________. Tom and Jerry are my favourite characters. A. romances B. comedies C. documentaries D. cartoons 4. Could you turn up the ________ please. I can’t hear that singer very well. A. channel B. programme C. volume D. television 5. Let’s take a look at the weather ________ now! A. forecast B. presentation C. broadcast D. programme Exercise 4: Choose the right word from the box for each description below. TV reporter TV producer comedian cameraman director 1. ___________: a person who tells the actors, cameramen, etc. what to do in a programme, film, play, etc. 2. ___________: an actor who makes people laugh by telling jokes. 3. ___________: a person who finds and speaks the news on the television. 4. ___________: a person that makes television programme. 5. ___________: a person who operates a camera for a film or a television programme.

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