Word form: 11. Phillip ( not eat) meat. He is a vegeterian. 12. We (live) here for three years, but we are going ( move) again 13. I can’t believe that you ( eat) three pizzas already. I only ( buy) them in fifteen minutes ago. 14. Let’s (have) lunch in the garden 15. I ( not understand) what you (wait) for. 16. Recent research (show) that Columbus ( not discover) America, but that Vikings ( land) there five hundered years before him. 17. Julia usually ( take) a bus to the office but today she( drive) because she (be) late. Last night her manager ( telephone) her and (ask) him ( be) at the office at 8.30 am for an important meeting. “ I never (be) late for a meeting in my life. Why my mother (forget) to wake me up this morning?

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