Cho A= CMR : trong 3 STN liên tiếp 2A-1;2A;2A+1 không có số nào là Số Chình Phương cần gấp nhé mơn trước

Các câu hỏi liên quan

Mình cần gấp lắm ạ Complete each paragraph with one set of words (not in the order listed) a / both / each / half his / my / these / those his / much / some / the a little / most / some / thirty a few / our / that / this A. I got (1) ........................... earrings, the small ones I’m wearing, from (2) ........................... grandmother. I really didn’t like (3) ........................... green earrings that Andy brought back from (4) ........................... trip to Sri Lanka. B. Look at (5) ........................... photograph here in the newspaper. Doesn’t it remind you of (6) ........................... strange woman who came to teach (7) ........................... French class for (8) ........................... weeks last year? C. Peter wasn’t paying (9) ........................... attention to the lecture when Angela leaned over and tapped him on (10) ........................... shoulder. As he turned, she pointed to (11) ........................... notepad and whispered, ‘Can I borrow (12) ........................... paper?’ D. Although there are (13) ........................... mountain peaks that receive over (14) ........................... inches of rain annually, (15) ........................... of Arizona has a warm, dry climate with only (16) ........................... rain in winter. E. When two horses in (17) ........................... race finish together at exactly the same time, it’s called a dead heat. It means that (18) ........................... of them win and (19) ........................... of them receives (20) ........................... the prize money. Underline the correct answer. 1. We’ve had many / little / too many rain this winter. 2. Few / Much / A little people are as pretty as she is. 3. There’s been few / very little / a few news about the earthquake. 4. You must pay many / lots of / few attention to understand this. 5. Lots of / Much / Little flowers were planted in the garden. 6. A few / A little / Little students here have passed the exam. 7. There was many / few / much annoyance caused by her outbreak of anger.