Choose the best answer for the following sentence:On the opening ceremony of this editorial office, the editor in chief __________ that the first prints would be free to all the citizen in the city.A. announce B. announces C. announced D. announcing
Choose the best answer for the following sentence:Reading books takes times away __________ watching films or playing games.A. from B. for C. off D. of
Choose one sentence that has the same meaning to the root one:If you had studied hard for your examination, you would have passed it.A. You didn’t pass your examination because you didn’t studied hard for it. B. It’s pity you were so lazy but I wasn’t and so I passed my examination. C. I wish you would study hard for your examination. D. Why didn’t you study hard for your examination.
Choose the best answer for the following sentence:The government’s economic policies have led us into _____________ recession for years. A. more bad B. more badly C. the most bad D. the worst
Choose the correct sentence which is built from the words and phrases given:the graph / amount of smoke / increase / in big cities.A. According to the graph, the amount of smoke was increasing in big cities. B. The graph was shown that the amount of smoke which was increasing in big cities. C. As the graph showing, the amount of smoke was increasing in the big cities. D. To the graph, the amount of smoke was increased in the big cities.
Choose the correct sentence which is built from the words and phrases given:My grandparent / house / end / road //.A. My grandparents's house is at the end of the road. B. My grandparents' house is at the end on the road. C. My grandparents's house is on the end to the road. D. My grandparents' house is at the end of the road.
Một hình trụ có diện tích xung quanh bằng $\displaystyle 128\pi c{{m}^{2}}$ , chiều cao bằng bán kính đáy . Khi đó thể tích của nó bằng :A. $\displaystyle 64\pi c{{m}^{3}}$ B. $\displaystyle 128\pi c{{m}^{3}}~~~~$ C. $\displaystyle 512\pi c{{m}^{{3~~~~}}}$ D. $\displaystyle 34\pi c{{m}^{3}}$
Tầng chứa các loại kim loại nặng của Trái Đất là A. tầng Granit B. tầng trầm tích C. tầng bazan D. nhân Nife
Lớp vỏ lục địa và vỏ đại dương khác nhau chủ yếu ởA. lớp vỏ lục địa dày hơn vỏ đại dương B. vỏ đại dương cấu tạo chủ yếu bằng badan, vỏ lục địa chủ yếu bằng granit C. lớp vỏ đại dương chiếm diện tích lớn hơn lớp vỏ lục địa D. tất cả các yếu tố trên
Thạch quyển dùng để chỉA. lớp vỏ Trái đất B. lớp vỏ Trái Đất và phần trên của bao Manti C. lớp vỏ Trái Đất và lớp bao Manti D. lớp thổ nhưỡng tơi xốp trên bề mặt Trái Đất - Cộng Đồng Luyện Thi Trực Tuyến