67. We had a happy _______________ together. (CHILD) 68. My sister was very _______________ when her cat was run over by a car. (SET). 69. The air in the city is ________________ (POLLUTE) 70. An accident happened because of driving____________________ (CARE) 71. What's the____________________of this river? (DEEP) 72. I want to be a____________________when I finish school. (TRANSLATE) 73. Money doesn't usually bring____________________. (HAPPY) 74. We all enjoyed the trip. It was an____________________experience. (FORGET) 75. Do you have a good ___________ with your classmates? (RELATE) 76. Don't eat those vegetables. They're____________________ (POISON) 77. We’ll live a happier and __________ life if we keep our environment clean. (HEALTH) 78. Environmental ________ is everybody's responsibility. (PROTECT) 79. The price of ________ has gone up again. (ELECTRIC) 80. I'm very _______ of my father and love him so much. (PRIDE) 81. Tet is the most important ____________ for Vietnamese people. (CELEBRATE) 82. We must save the __________ resources. (NATURE) 83. The _____ of the earthquake in Japan in 1995 was terrible. (DESTROY) 84. The people in my home village are very helpful and _________________ (FRIEND). 85. Many ______ come to Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum every day. (VISIT) 86. He will be very angry if we _________ with his ideas. (AGREE] 87. There was a look of_ _________ on her face when she heard the news. (SAD) 88. All _____ for the job must fill in the correct form. (APLLY) 89. I'd like to read ____ ___stories. (HISTORY) 90. His new book is full of __________ ideas. (CHALLENGE) 91. The students were _____________ prepared for the final exam. (CARE) 92. The careful preparation made the festival a great _____________________ (SUCCEED). 93. Although Titanic is a ____________ film, it has a sad ending. (ROMANCE) 94. ___________is still a major problem in most big cities. (POOR) 95. That's the _________ movie I have ever seen. (BAD) 96. An ____________ man has stolen all our money. (KNOW) 97. The keys were locked inside the car. _________________, a side window was open. (LUCKY) 98. What a _____________ day! (LOVE) 99. These shoes look quite smart but they're terribly ______________________ (COMFORT) 100. Women nowadays have more _______________ to participate in social activities. (FREE)

Các câu hỏi liên quan

33. I’m full of____________________for my English teacher. (ADMIRE) 34. We can see a lot of____________________on TV every day. (ADVERTISE) 35. They used to live in a____________________area of the country. (MOUNTAIN) 36. It was the____________________storm they had ever had. (BAD) 37. He has caused his parents a lot of _______________ . (HAPPY) 38. We should learn all the ___________ verbs by heart. (REGULAR) 39. My sister speaks English ___________ . (FLUENT) 40. What is the correct __________ of this word? (PRONOUNCE) 41. He drove __________________ and had an accident. (CARE) 42. Do you think you get a good____________________at your school? (EDUCATE) 43. Reading books can improve our____________________. (KNOW) 44. I am fond of____________________stamps. (COLLECT) 45. Many people are made____________________after the storm. (HOME) 46. It was ___________ of him to leave the door open. (CARE) 47. My son wants to be an _____________ when he grows up. (ACT) 48. He used all his _____________ to open the door. (STRONG) 49. I can't stand his _____________ any more. (LAZY) 50. We were all ________________ at his success. (SURPRISE) 51. _______________, he failed his exam. (LUCK) 52. They used to be ______________ . (CLASS) 53. His at the party embarrassed everyone. (BEHAVE) 54. Remember to check for ______________ mistakes before handing your test. (SPELL) 55. Read the text and _____________ any words you don't understand. (LINE) 56. Our English lessons always begin with a______________________drill of the new words. (PRONOUNCE) 57. A fairy appeared and______________________changed her old clothes. (MAGIC) 58. The children enjoy_____________________around the fields, shouting and laughing. (RUN) 59. The hills are________________in spring when the wild flowers are in full bloom. (COLOR) 60. Her mother soon died of a______________________heart. (BREAK) 61. Carving egg shells is a __________ way of spending time. (WONDER) 62. That boy can use leaves to make __ sound [MUSIC] 63. We can buy sports _____________ at the shop over there. [EQUIP] 64. There was great________all over the country when our team won the Football Cup. (EXCITED) 65. Every in my neighborhood has at least one TV set. [HOUSE] 66. This river is very _______________ for swimmers. (DANGER)