I.Word form Adj: -ing, -ed 1. This is an______________movie. I was afraid when watching it.​​​FRIGHTEN 2. I was______________when I saw him dress totally in black.​​​ 3. It is______________to meet you here.​​​​​​SURPRISE 4. My daughter felt________________at my gift on her birthday.​​ 5. We are very______________about the upcoming trip on Sunday.​​​EXCITE 6. How____________this book is! ​​​ 7. You look______________. What has made you scared? Don’t worry!​​​TERRIFY 8. This is the most______________game in the park. 9. He is a______________man. He is lazy and drunk all day.​​​​DISAPPOINT 10. We are completely______________because of failing the exam. 11. Are you______________in our new publication?​​​​​INTEREST 12. This is the most_______________poem I have ever read. 13. She felt_____________when hearing that she was turned down for the job.​​DEPRESS 14. Failing the interview is_______________.​​​​​ 15. What an______________actor! He makes the movie wonderful.​​​AMAZE 16. Were you______________when she appeared suddenly? 17. I am______________with this work. It is the same everyday.​​​​BORE 18. How______________she is! She is always talking about silly things. 19. Are you_____________with the result?​​​​​​SATISFY 20. The work is_____________and I am very happy.​​​​

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