Câu 9: Bạn An đang làm bài trình chiếu về một số đồ uống. Sau khi hoàn thành phần giới thiệu An đã chèn hai tấm hình lần lượt như sau: tấm thứ nhất là ly nước trái cây, tấm thứ hai là hình một cái đế lót ly, bạn An di chuyển hình ly nước trái cây đặt trên hình đế lót ly nhưng khi thực hiện thao tác di chuyển phần đế ly nước trái cây không ở phía trên đế lót ly mà bị che mất (Hình minh họa bên dưới). Em hãy cho biết vì sao phần đế ly lại bị che và hướng dẫn giúp bạn An hoàn thành công việc của mình?

Các câu hỏi liên quan

GIÚP EM VỚI : Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc sau 1. _______ creates hardship for all members of the family.(employ) 2. I don’t have a job, so I live on ________ benefit.(employ) 3. the government is encouraging_______ in heavy industry.(invest) 4. We can’t __________ with these low prices.(competitor) 5. My father lost his job 6 years ago ang has been __________ ever since.(employ) 6. Feny has just got ________ to a girl he’s known since he was a boy.(engage) 7. We were lucky enough to get tickets for the first _______(perform) 8. David is a very warm and ___________ person.(care) 9. Don’t believe a word Tom says. He is a terrible __________(lie) 10. Graham hates queuing . He’s very ___________(patient) 11. Does the package holiday include the _________(accommodate) 12. She was sentenced to 10 years’ ___________ for his part in the armed robbery.(prison) 13. Can you tell me the ___________ of this river? (deep) 14. She welcome us in a very _________________ way. (friend) 15. Knowing that he was ______________, we left his house.(friend) 16. He is said to be very ______________ carpenter. (skill) 17. The government has promised to deal with the _________________ among young people.(employ) 18. The dictionaries are with the other ___________ books.(refer) 19. Simso admitted that his cruel joke was _____________ (intend) 20. Thousands of people has been made ___________ by the war.(home) 21. Saucepans are sold in the ____________ goods department. (house) 22. His performance in King Lear was almost _____________(impress) 23. I was annoyed at his ______________ to co-operate.(refuse) 24. They set up many camps for _______________ (refuge) 25. _____________ many houses were demolished to make way for the roads.(fortunate) 26. The _______ of the trains and the buses causes annoyance. (frequent) 27. His behaviour always ______________ me at the party. (embarrass) 28. He used to draw cartoon for a ___________ magazine. (humour) 29. I received a lot of _________ from my parents and friends. (courage) 30. Daily conversation is also one of the most enjoyable forms of ____________ (entertain) 31. We should consolidate and promote our long ______________ and co-operation.(friend) 32. Many skilled workers will be ______________ next year. (employ) 33. His car is _____________. Its consumes a lot of petrol. (economy) 34. I can say that there are few __________ places in the world. (explore) 35. Many __________ zones are very attractive for investors. (economy) 36. The gases from chemical factory is very ____ and ___ (poison/ harm) 37. I’d like to book a direct _________ to Bangkok. (fly) 38. I am afraid that the radio I bought from your shop yesterday is ____________ (fault) 39. The _______ declarationg by him was translated into English.(depend) 40. Some people collect objects which are connected with _______________ events (history) 41. The films gave ____________ to many generations of children. (enjoy) 42. The Costwolds is an area of great ___________ in England. (beautiful) 43. It is _____________ to live in such a damp basemant flat. (health) 44. She was very _____________________ by the ghost stories. ( fright) 45. She ia very ______________ about the history of music and art.(know) 46. I thick he must be very __________ man. He knows everything. (learn) 47. She divorced him because of his _____________ to the children.(kind) 48. Crop _______________ was due to many weather conditions. (fail) 49. It is usually forbidden to destroy ______________ building. (history) 50. Many ________________ families had to live in hotels. (home)