CHUYỂN TỪ CÂU CHỦ ĐỘNG SANG CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG 1. You will have to see it to believe it => 2. All the ministers will see him off at the airport => 3. When I returned I found that they had towed my car away. I asked why they had done this and told me that it was because I had parked it under a NO PARKING sign => 4. The film company were to have used the pool for aquastic display, but now they have changed their minds about it and are filling it in => 5. Someone seems to have made a terrible mistake => 6. You needn't have done this => 7. They used to make little boys climb the chimneys to clean them => 8. You order me about and I am tired of this => 2. CHUYỂN TỪ BỊ ĐỘNG SANG CHỦ ĐỘNG 1. The runways are being lengthened at all the main airport => 2. This speed limit is to be introduced regularly => 3. By tradition, any surgeon that they are caught by British ships must be offered to the Queen => 4.Why don't you have your eyes tested? => 5. Evening dress will be worn => 6. The car which is blown vẻ the cliff yesterday is to be salvaged today => 7. Why wasn't the car either locked or put in the garage? => 8. Your money could be put to good use instead of being left idie in the bank => 9. The house where the dead man was found was being guard to prevent it from being entered and evidence interfered with =>

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