Giải tam giác ABC vuông tại A, bt AC= 15cm, góc B= 28 độ ( kết quả lấy 3 chữ số thập phân)

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mọi người giải giúp em với ạ 1-She …………………..(push) to open the door and………………(run) into the room. 2-When he realized that I…………………(look) at her, she…………………(turn) away. 3. What you ___(do) at 8 o’clock yesterday when he ___ (come) to see you? - Oh, I ___(write) a letter to my eldest brother 4-I............................(clean) the whole house. Does it look nice and tidy? 5. – How long you ___(live) in this town? - I ___(live) in this town for ten years. 6. My sister ___(finish) school in 1997 and ___(be) a student at the National University since then. 7. – You ............................ (see) Nam last Sunday? - Oh, no. I ............................ (not see) him for many days now. 8. – Since when you ............................ (learn) English? - I ............................ (learn) it since I ............................ (be) a girl of twelve 9. – You ever ............................ (be) to HCM city? - No, I ............................ (not be) there yet. But my parents ............................ (be) there twice this year. 10. They ............................ (do) nothing since they ............................ (get up). 11-When the boss...............(walk) into the office, his secretary...........................(type), and the accountant............................(talk) on the phones. 12-When we came to the party, the food __________ (prepare), so we had to have a drink first. 13-The Internet ………………..(first create) in the 1960s. Since then, it……………(change) people’s lives in different ways. 14. She is very tired because she ..................... (not/ sleep) for two days. 15. How fast .......................(you / drive) when the accident ............................(happen)?