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Các câu hỏi liên quan

1. There was ________knock on ________door. I opened it and found ________small dark man in ________blue overcoat and _______woolen cap. 2. He said he was ________employee of ________gas company and had come to read ________meter (đồng hồ đo). 3. But I had ________suspicion that he wasn't speaking ________truth because ________meter readers usually wear ________peaked caps. 4. However, I took him to ________ meter, which is in ________dark corner under ________ stairs. 5. I asked if he had ________ torch (đèn pin); he said he disliked torches and always read ________ meters by ________light of ________match. 6. I remarked that if there was ________leak in ________ gas pipe there might be ________ explosion while he was reading ________meter. 7. He said, “As _______matter of _______fact, there was _______explosion (vụ nổ) in _______last house I visited; and Mr. Smith, ________owner of ________house, was burnt in ________face.” 8. “Mr. Smith was holding ________lighted match at ________time of ________explosion.” 9. To prevent ________possible repetition (sự lặp lại) of this accident, I lent him ________torch. 10. He switched on ________torch, read ________meter and wrote ________ reading down on ________back of ________envelope. 11. I said in ________surprise that ________meter readers usually put ________readings down in ________book. 12. He said that he had had ________book but that it had been burnt in ________fire in________ Mr. Smith's house. 13. By this time I had come to ________conclusion that he wasn't ________genuine meter reader; and ________moment he left ________house I rang ________police.