I. Complete these sentences with A, AN, THE if necessary 1. They are building ____ supermarket in ____ center of our town. 2. There’s ___ knife in ____ second drawer. 3. Don’t forget to turn off _____ television. 4. Kate has bought ____ new car. 5. Some people think that _____ moon is made of cheese. 6. I’m collecting money for _____ poor. 7. Can you play ____ guitar? 8. My mother goes to church in ____ morning. 9. I eat ____ orange every day. 10. Harry is ____ sailor. He spends most of his life at _____ sea. 11. I bought ______ umbrella to go out in the rain. 12. It is ____ funniest book that I have ever read.. 13. _____ King speak Vietnamese. 14. There is ____ festival in my village. ______ festival is very interesting. 15. _____ Earth revolves around ____ Sun. 16. I’d like to read newspaper like _____ Times and _____ Washington Post. 17. Thank you. That was _________ very nice lunch. 18. He tried to park his car, but ______ space wasn’t big enough. 19. Jill went to _____ hospital to see her friends. 20. She works six days _____ week.

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