Supply the corect tense , Present perfect or simple past , of the verbs in good health . 1. when we last saw her , she ( be ) ... in good health. 2.He (do) .. a lot of work recently ? 3.Mrs.Pike (be) .. with her company for twenty years now. 4.As soon as she (save) ... one hundred milion dongs , she will retire from work . 5.When she was a little girl , every weekend (seem) ... ideal. 6.Dr John's patient's condition (improve) ... comsiderably since yesterday morning. 7.I shall wait until they (finish) ... repairing their car. 8.His uncle (serve ) ... in the arrmy from 1975 to 1985 . 9.Mickey (study) ... computer for six months last year. 10.We ... ever (ask) ... ourselves what really makes life beautiful ?

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