1. I told the guard.........him to the door (conduct) 2. She stepped........onto the stage and began to sing (confidence) 3. There is a wide .........of dishes on the table(vary) 4. In 1947 India achieved.....from Britain(depend) 5. I try to make me classes as....as possible (vary) 6. You should fell.....about your own ability(confidence) 7.I decided to leave my job for .... reasons (vary) 8. Children usually.......ơn their parents (depend) 9. I think you.......very badly towards your father (behave) 10. He was sent out of class because of bad.....(behave) 11. This is an.....question(embarrass) 12. She is....here with her father (picture) 13. I want to be.......from my parents (depend) 14. We saw a .......fishing village yesterday(picture) 15. The hotel bedrooms......in size from to medium to very large (vary) 16. He decided on his own to travel to London......(depend) 17. The two groups agreed......with each other (recognition) 18. What made you come and work in this.....?(establish) 19. I thought she coped........(magnificence) 20. The quiz was a good opportunity for the.......(exhibit)

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