Câu 1 Hoàn thành phương trình hóa học cho các phản ứng sau: a. KNO3 b. Na2CO3 + HCl → c. P + Ca → d. Si + O2 → Câu 2: Hòa tan hoàn toàn m gam Mg vào dung dịch HNO3 dư, thu được 336 ml khí NO2 (đktc, sản phẩm khử duy nhất). Tính giá trị của m.

Các câu hỏi liên quan

Ex2. Fill in the correct form: Gerund or Infinitive (with or without "TO") 1. I can't afford __________________ a job at the moment. I really need the money. (NOT HAVE) 2. The new job will involve you __________________ some time in Europe. (SPEND) 3. I don't remember __________________ for help. I wonder why he's here. (CALL) 4. We'll get everything finished, even if it means __________________ up late at night. (STAY) 5. She stopped __________________ a newspaper on her way home. (BUY) 6. The members of the council have delayed __________________ a decision. (MAKE) 7. We chose __________________ to Mark's engagement party. (NOT GO) 8. I hate it when the phone keeps __________________ all the time. It's disgusting! (RING) 9. I reminded him __________________ a few things on his way home from work. (BUY) 10. Have you considered __________________ the house? (SELL) 11. My dad insisted on __________________ me the money for the tickets. (GIVE) 12. Our boss convinced everyone __________________ longer hours. (WORK) 13. They couldn't help __________________ when she tripped over the carpet. (LAUGH) 14. Remember __________________ Harriet as soon as you get home. (CALL) 15. Anna denied __________________ the vase. (BREAK) 16. The teacher demanded __________________ why we hadn't cleaned the blackboard. (KNOW) 17. The shop assistant warned us __________________ the flowers. (NOT TOUCH) 18. We are looking forward __________________ you next week. (SEE) 19. I suggested __________________ him there and __________________ back home. (LEAVE, GET) 20. The kidnappers threatened __________________ their hostages. (SHOOT) 21. The thief admitted __________________ the money from the old woman. (STEAL) 22. English is a lot easier __________________ than French or other languages. (LEARN) 23. Mom told her to stop __________________ such strange noises. (MAKE) 24. We are very anxious __________________ a plane for the first time. (BOARD) 25. My husband blamed me for ____________________ have a second child. (NOT WANT)