Câu 1 : Hãy phân loại các hợp chất hữu cơ sau: C2H4, C2H4O2, C2H2, CH3Cl. Câu 2 : Axit axetic có công thức phân tử là C2H4O2 . Hãy tính thành phần phần trăm theo khối lượng của các nguyên tố trong axit axetic.

Các câu hỏi liên quan

V. Supply the correct verb tense: Past Tense 1. Alan (look) ………………. out of the window when he (see) ………………. a UFO. 2. Tom (see) ………………. a serious accident while he (stand) ………………. at the bus stop. 3. Sam (try) ………………. to change a light bulb when he (slip) ………………. and (fall) ………………. 4. It (have) ………………. cloudy for days before finally (begin) ………………. to rain. 5. The children (play) ………………. football when their mother (come) ………………. back home. 6. In the evening, the children (tell) ………………. their daddy what they (see) ………………. at the zoo. 7. I (see) ………………. many pictures of the pyramids before I went to Egypt. 8. When Carol (call) ………………. last night, I (watch) ………………. my favorite show on television. 9. By the time we (get) ………………. to the station, Susan (go) ………… home. 10. When I (arrive) ………………. home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) ………………. a beautiful candlelight dinner. 11. At one time doctors commonly (use) ………………. aspirin to control fever and pain due to flu or the common cold. 12. My mom (cook) …………………. dinner at 7 p.m yesterday. 13. Newton (lay) ………………. the foundations for many other discoveries in mathematics and physics. 14. When she (return) ………………. to her hometown from abroad, she (be) ………………. quite surprised by the fact that it (change) ………………. a lot. 15. The legend of Santa Claus (have) ………………. origins in Europe and Dutch settlers (bring) ………………. it to New York in the early 18th century. VI. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Scientist (predict) ………………. that the sun will die in the distant future. 2. Luke (be) ………………. very competitive and (love) ………………. to win when he (play) ………………. sports. 3. My aunt (live) ………………. next to my house for years, but she (be) ………. often away working so I rarely (meet) ………………. her. 4. After a long day work, my father often (return) ………………. home tired and sleepy. 5. A laser beam (consist) ………………. of a concentration of pure light. 6. Today after I (get) ………………. out of class, I (go) ………………. to a movie with some friends. 7. He (take) ………………. a dancing contest next week. He (practise) ………………. strictly for weeks. 8. When Melanie (come) ………………. into the office yesterday, her eyes (be) ………………. red and watery. 9. My biggest accomplishment in life so far (be) ………………. my graduation from university. 10. By 2 p.m yesterday, I (finish) …………… my homework. 11. You look great! You (exercise) ………………. out at the fitness center recently? 12. I never (forget) ………………. the time when I first (meet) ………………. my wife. 13. While my dad (read) ……………….. the newspaper, I (do) …………….. the housework. 14. In 1891, Marie Curie (enter) ………………. the Sorbonne, a French university, where she (earn) ………………. her master’s degree and doctorate in Physics. 15. Nobody (come) ………………. to the meeting because Angela (forget) ………………. to tell them about it.