Ex 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. photos fishing eggshells music gardening painting model cars swimming l . She usually goes __________ with her friends in the pool near her school. 2. Sarah likes __________. She plants lots flowers and vegetables in her home garden. 3. Every weekend, I go __________ in my uncle’s boat, or just off! the shoreline. 4. In later years, he took up __________ as a hobby. He drew watercolour landscapes. 5. My hobby is listening to __________. It can help relax my mind. 6. I have recently started a new hobby-collecting __________. 7. Most people take __________ and post them on their social networking accounts. 8. Carving __________ is a great hobby that can make you happier. Ex 3. Put the words into the correct column. skating camping football swimming stamps badges gymnastics chess gardening books cartoons crossword sports judo aerobics Jogging dolls board games coins films tennis television cycling game shows PLAY:__________________________________________________________________ GO: ____________________________________________________________________ DO: ____________________________________________________________________ COLLECT:______________________________________________________________ WATCH:________________________________________________________________

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