Đề thi ôn tập Unit 5 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10



  1. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :

1. The Jet engine has had ...................... on life since the twentieth century

A. a great impact

B. an important affacts

C.an important part

D.great significance

2. Do you know how this machine work ? – All you do is just .............. this button and it starts automatically.

A. pull

B. put on

C. press

D. switch

3.You can’t use the washing machine today. It’s ....................

A. out of work

B. out of order

C. breaking down

D. wrong

4. Modern home entertainment system and other ................ are changing everyone ‘s life.

A. innovation

B. modern discoveries

C. new creation

D. development

5. ................... the technological revolution is opening up a whole new world, many people are worried by it.

A. However

B. Dispite that

C. because

D. Although

6. Most computers have enough memory to store .................. of information.

A. a great number

B. a large number

C. a vast amount

D. large amount

7. My phone is out of order, .......................... is a nuisance.

A. that

B. which

C. this

D. it

8. The optic fiber was a major ................... in the field of telecommunication.

A. breakdown

B. breakthrough

C. revolution

D. technique

9. Lida has lost her passport again. It’s a second time this ..........................

A. has happened


C. happened

D. has been happening

10. You’re out of breath, .......................... ?

A. Are you running

B. Have you run

C. Have you been running

D. Did you run

11. She left a message ....................... I could know where to find her

A. so that

B. so as to

C. for

D. in order

12. Where’s the book I gave you ? – What .................... with it ?

A. have you done

B. have you been doing

C. are you doing

D. did you do

13. Lan ...................... in Scotland for 10 years. Now she lives in London.

A. lived

B. has lived

C. has ben living

D. would live

14. James is going to be late. His car has ..................................

A. broken out

B. broken up

C. broken in

D. broken down

15. If your camera is faulty, you should return it to the ............................

A. creator

B. manufacturer

C. inventor

D. builder

16. I came to Britain...................... more about British culture.

A. so as to know

B. knowing

C. to be known

D. so as knowing

17. It is hard to get .................. parts for this car if something goes wrong.

A. extra

B. spare

C. additional

D. emergency

18. Have a nice weekend ! - ..................................

A. Ok. Yes, please

B. Thank you. The same to you

C. It’s not very long now

D. No, thanks

19. Due to having a lot of things ................. last night, we missed ............... the film.

A. for doing / to see

B. done / saw

C. doing / see

D. to do / seeing

20. I went shopping ................... some fruits this morning.

A. to buy

B. for buying

C. buy

D. buying












  1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.

1. We haven’t been to a concert for over a year

=> The last time we ...................................................... was over a year

2. Your birthday party was the last time i really enjoy myself

=> I ........................................................... since your birthday party

3. It’s nearly 20 years since my father saw his brother

=> My father ......................................................... for nearly 20 years

4. James went to Scotland last Friday and is still there.

=> James ............................................................. to Scotland since Friday

5. When did you learn to drive ?

=> How long is it .......................................... to drive ?

6. The last time I went swimming was when we were in Spain.

=> I haven’t ................................................................................... we were in Spain

7.You haven’t tidied this rooms for weeks

=>It’s weeks ........................................... this room

8. We started looking for a flat 2 months ago and we’re still looking

=> We ..................................................................... a flat for 2 months

9. I haven’t been to a night club before

 => This is .................................................. a night club

10. When she heart the results, Mary began to feel more confident

=> Since .......................... more confident


  1. Give the correct form of the words in brackets:

1. Social networking sites can be used for creating your .............. profile and contacting your friends ( person )

2. Studies have shown that ................ for invention mostly comes from natural world ( inspire )

3. Scientists and ..............  have observed things in nature to design new products to serve humans ( invent )

4. Since then, Velcro has dradually become a familiar .................. for shoes, jackets and even spacesuits ( fasten )

5. This 3-D ................... is used to produce solid objects similar to the originals ( print )

6. Traffic ..................... has been considered one of the most serious and urgent problems of our country ( congest )

7. The petrol .................. of this type of motorbike is estimated approximately 2 litres per 100 km ( consume )

8. A digital camera is quite .................. because you do not have to spend money on rolls of film ( economy )

9. Some people like a small screen, as it is portable, but the other ones want a ................. one to watch films conveniently with big images ( bulk )

10. A medical ................... is the invention which is admitted to be really humane ( incubate )


  1. Rearrange the words / phrases to make meaningful sentences:

1. storing / a / can / hard disk / used / a / for / informaion / be / in / computer

2. computer / we / a / install / modern / a / surf / the / to / Internet / for

3. pages / how / typed / many / you / have ?

4. phoned / Sam / 2 months / has / her / the past / not / for / parents

5. achievements / Scientists / in / have / great / technology / make / and / information




  1. 1.A      Động cơ phản lực đã có tác động lớn đến cuộc sống kể từ thế kỷ XX

2.C      Bạn có biết máy này hoạt động như thế nào không? - Tất cả những gì bạn làm chỉ là nhấn nút này và nó sẽ tự động bắt đầu

3.B      out of order: không sử dụng được

4.A      innovation: sự đổi mới

5.D      Mặc dù cuộc cách mạng công nghệ đang mở ra một thế giới hoàn toàn mới, nhiều người lo lắng về nó.

6.C      a vast amount: 1 lượng lớn (thông tin)

7.B      Điện thoại của tôi không sử dụng được, việc đó rất là phiền toái (nuisance)

8.B      breakthrough: đột phá

9.A      Thì hiện tại hoàn thành

10.C    Thì hiện tại hoàn thành

11.A   Cô ấy để lại một tin nhắn vì thế tôi có thể biết tìm cô ấy ở đâu

12.A   Thì hiện tại hoàn thành

13.A   for 10 years => thì quá khứ đơn

14.D   broken down: bị hỏng

15.B    manufacturer: nhà sản xuất

16.A   Tôi đến Anh để biết thêm về văn hóa Anh.

17.B    Thật khó để có được phụ tùng cho chiếc xe này nếu có sự cố.

18.B    Cuối tuần vui vẻ! Cảm ơn bạn. Bạn cũng vậy nha

19.D   miss + Ving

20.A   to buy: để mua


  1. 1. went to a concert         

2. haven’t really enjoyed myself                        

3. hasn’t seen his brother

4. has gone                          

5. since you learnt                                                 

6. been swimming since

7. since you tidied 

8. have been looking for  

9. the first time I’ve been to

10. hearing the results, Mary has become


  1. 1. tired when          

2. going to have an

3. was given some information

4. uses his phone to           

5. not allowed to drive a car       


  1. 1. A hard disk can be used for storing information in a computer.

2. We install a modem for a computer to surf the Internet

3. How many pages have you typed ?

4. Sam has not phoned her parents for the past 2 months

5. Scientists have made great achievements in information and technology



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