Unit 3: Teen stress and pressure

  1. Vocabulary:

adolescence (n) /ˌædəˈlesns/: giai đoạn vị thành niên

ex: Adolescence brings about major changes in a young person’s body.
adulthood (n) /ˈædʌlthʊd/: giai đoạn trưởng thành

calm (adj) /kɑːm/: bình tĩnh

cognitive skill /ˈkɒɡnətɪv skɪl/: kĩ năng tư duy

concentrate (v) /kɒnsntreɪt/: tập trung

ex: We need to concentrate resources on the most run-down areas.

confident (adj) /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/: tự tin                 

ex: The team feels confident of winning.

delighted (adj) /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/: vui sướng

ex:  I was delighted with my presents.

depressed (adj) /dɪˈprest/: tuyệt vọng

ex: She felt very depressed about the future.

embarrassed (adj) /ɪmˈbærəst/: xấu hổ

ex: I've never felt so embarrassed in my life!

emergency (n) /iˈmɜːdʒənsi/: tình huống khẩn cấp

frustrated (adj) /frʌˈstreɪtɪd/: bực bội (vì không giải quyết được việc gì)

ex: It's very easy to get frustrated in this job.

helpline (n) /ˈhelplaɪn/: đường dây nóng trợ giup

house-keeping skill /haʊs-ˈkiːpɪŋ skɪl/: kĩ năng làm việc nhà

independence (n) /ˌɪndɪˈpendəns/: sự độc lập, tự lập

informed decision (n) /ɪnˈfɔːmd dɪˈsɪʒn/: quyết định có cân nhắc

left out (adj) /left aʊt/: cảm thấy bị bỏ rơi, bị cô lập

life skill /laɪf skɪl/: kĩ năng sống

relaxed (adj) /rɪˈlækst/: thoải mái, thư giãn

ex: I’m feeling more relaxed about the future now.

resolve conflict (v) /rɪˈzɒlv ˈkɒnflɪkt/: giải quyết xung đột

risk taking (n) /rɪsk teɪkɪŋ/: liều lĩnh

self-aware (adj) /self-əˈweə(r)/: tự nhận thức, ngộ ra

ex: She was sufficiently self-aware to recognize the cause of her problems.

self-disciplined (adj) /self-ˈdɪsəplɪnd/: tự rèn luyện

stressed (adj) /strest/: căng thẳng, mệt mỏi

ex: He was feeling very stressed and tired.

tense (adj) /tens/: căng thẳng

ex: She sounded tense and angry.

worried (adj) /ˈwɜːrid/: lo lắng

ex: She gave me a worried look.

  1. Collocation:

-concentrate something + adv./prep. 

            + concentrate (on something/on doing something)

            + concentrate something

- confident of something/doing something

- delighted to do something

- delighted by/at something

-delighted with something

- embarrassed to do something

- embarrassed about/at something

- relaxed (about something) 

- worried about somebody/something

  1. Grammar:

*Câu tường thuật:

say + (that) + S + V
say + to + O + (that) + S + V
tell + O + (that) + S + V

Biến đổi động từ theo cách sau (lùi một thì):

-Present simple       -           Past simple

-Present continuous          -             Past continuous

-Present perfect       -                 Past perfect

-Past simple         -             Past perfect

-Present perfect continuous         -        Past perfect continuous

-Past continuous       -             Past perfect continuous

-will           -         would

-can           -        could

-must/ have to       -          had to

-may          -            might

Chú ý: Các trường hợp sau không thay đổi thì của động từ khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu tường thuật
Động từ giới thiệu ở các thì hiện tại đơnhiện tại tiếp diễnhiện tại hoàn thành hoặc tương lai đơn

- Khi lời nói trực tiếp diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiênmột chân lý; là câu điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại (loại 2) hoặc quá khứ (loại 3); hoặc là câu điều ước (wish) 

*Câu hỏi tường thuật:

-Yes/No:                                                         ask/wonder/want to know + if/ whether + S +V

-Wh:                                                                ask/wonder/want to know + question word + S + V


  1. Practice:

Exercise 1: Choose the word that DOES NOT fit in the sentences.

1. You may feel ………………….before taking an important exam.


2. You have finished your exam, and you think you did quite well. You may feel …………………..(realaxed/depressed/calm/confident)

3. You have a problem with your deskmates at school and you don’t know who to talk to. You may feel ………………….. (worried/delighted/stressed/depressed)

4. You are asked to fìx a broken motorbike Kate and you are not sure what to do.You may feel………………….. . (confused/frustrated/happy/embarrassed)

5. You have moved to a new class and you know nobody there. You may feel …………………… (depressed/left-out/delighted/stressed)

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences. Use reported speech..

1.“Open the door.” she said to them.

- She told them...................................................................

2. “Where are you going?” he asked her.

- He asked her where.........................................................

3. “Which way did they go?” he asked.

- He asked... ......................................................................

4. “Bring it back if it doesn’t fit.”, I said to her.

- I told... ............................................................................

5. “Don’t stay out late, Kate.” Thomas said.

- Thomas told Kate... ...............................................................

6. “Please let me borrow your car.” he said to her.

- He asked... ........................................................................

7. “Dorian, have you seen my gloves?” Kristen asked.

- Kristen asked Dorian.....

8. Don’t leave the window open, Taylor.”, I said.

- I told Taylor.... ...................................................................

9. “Don’t do it again.” she said to them.

She told them..................................................................

10. “ Did Mr. Paul send the potatoes to you?” she asked.

- She asked.......................................................................

Exercise 3: Use the phrases created in to complete the following sentences.

1. Recognising your feelings is a way to_______ .

2. My mother said I should _______ such as sleeping at least eight hours a night, and exercising regularly.

3. ‘I’m fighting with my brother again! It feels like we can never_______ our _______!’

4. ‘Don’t act too quickly! You should consider both the good points and bad points in order to_______ .!’ mỵ mother advised me.

5. He is a very wise man. He knows when to _______ and when to wait.










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