
1. brave (adj) /breɪv/: dũng cảm, gan dạ

   She was very brave to learn to ski at 50.

2. Buddha (n) /ˈbʊdə/: Bụt, Đức phật

3. cruel (adj) /ˈkruːəl/:độc ác

   Children can be very cruel to each other.

4. cunning (adj) /ˈkʌnɪŋ/: xảo quyệt, gian xảo

   He's a very cunning man.

5. dragon (n) /ˈdræɡən/: con rồng

6. emperor (n) /ˈempərə(r)/: hoàng đế

   He'd dressed himself up as a Roman emperor for the fancy-dress party.

7. evil (adj) /ˈiːvl/: xấu xa về mặt đạo đức

   These people are just evil.

8. fable (n) /ˈfeɪbl/: truyện ngụ ngôn

   Latisha loves the fable about the grasshopper and the ant.

9. fairy (n) /ˈfeəri/: tiên, nàng tiên

   She used to think there were fairies at the bottom of her garden.

10. fairy tale (n) /ˈfeəri teɪl/: truyện thần tiên, truyện cổ tích

   Sadly, there was no fairy-tale happy ending to the story.

11. folk tale (n) /fəʊk teɪl/: truyện dân gian

   Children and storytellers alike will welcome these rich and robust folk tales, long unavailable.

12. fox (n) /fɒks/: con cáo

   As the fox came into the yard, the chickens began squawking in alarm.

13. generous (adj) /ˈdʒenərəs/: hào phóng, rộng rãi

   She's been very generous with her time.

14. giant (n) /ˈdʒaɪənt/: người khổng lồ

   Tales are told about an island inhabited by a race of giants, as tall as houses.

15. witch (n) /wɪtʃ/: mụ phù thủy

   In the story, a wicked witch put a curse on the princess for 100 years.

16. hare (n) /heə(r)/: con thỏ

   I saw her haring off down the road after Molly.

17. knight (n) /naɪt/: hiệp sĩ

    He hopes to be made a knight for his work at the Bank of England.

18. legend (n)/ ˈledʒənd/: truyền thuyết

   In the case of King Arthur, legend and truth are often inextricable.

19. lion (n) /ˈlaɪən/: con sư tử

   He wrestled the lion to the ground with his bare hands.

20. mean (adj) /miːn/: keo kiệt, bủn xỉn

   He's too mean to buy her a ring.

21. ogre (n) /ˈəʊɡə(r)/: quỷ ăn thịt người, yêu tinh

22. princess (n) /ˌprɪnˈses/: công chúa

   The princess in the fairy story had long silken hair.

23. tortoise (n) /ˈtɔːtəs/: con rùa

   A tortoise has a shell on its back.

24. wicked (adj) /ˈwɪkɪd/: xấu xa, độc ác

   He was a wicked, ruthless, and dishonest man.

25. wolf (n) /wʊlf/: con chó sói

   We could hear wolves howling in the distance.

26. woodcutter (n) /ˈwʊdkʌtə(r)/: tiều phu, người đốn củi

   The woodcutter lived in a hut in a clearing in the forest.






Câu cảm thán (exclamator sentence): là câu diễn tả một cảm giác (feeling) hay một xúc động (emotion).

Câu cảm thán giúp bày tỏ cảm xúc vui, buồn, khen, chê, phẫn nộ hay ngạc nhiên… Cấu trúc câu cảm thán trong học tiếng Anh giao tiếp có rất nhiều loại khác nhau.

 Hình thức cảm thán thường được cấu tạo với HOW, WHAT, SO, SUCH

  Câu cảm thán với "WHAT "theo những cấu trúc như sau:

WHAT + a/ an + adj + danh từ đếm được

=> What a lazy student! (Cậu học trò lười quá!)

=> What an interesting novel! (Quyển tiểu thuyết hay quá!)

Ghi chú: đối với cấu trúc này, khi danh từ đếm được ở số nhiều, ta không dùng a/an. Và lúc đó cấu trúc câu sẽ là:

WHAT + adj + danh từ đếm được số nhiều

=> What tight shoes are! (Giầy chật quá!)

=> What beautiful flowers are! (Bông hoa đẹp quá!)

Đối với danh từ không đếm được, ta theo cấu trúc:

WHAT + adj + danh từ không đếm được

=> What beautiful weather! (Thời tiết đẹp quá! )

Đối với cấu trúc vừa kể, người ta có thể thêm vào phía sau một chủ từ và một động từ. Và lúc đó, cấu trúc với "What " sẽ là:

What + a/ an + adj + noun + S + V

=> What a good picture they saw! (Tôi đã xem một bức tranh thật tuyệt!)

Câu cảm thán với " HOW" có cấu trúc như sau:

HOW + adjective/ adverb + S + V

=> How cold (adj) it is! (Trời lạnh thế!)

=> How interesting (adj) this film is! (Bộ phim này thú vị thật!)

=> How well (adv) she sings! (Cô ấy hát hay thế không biết!)

Dưới đây là một số ví dụ khác, ngoài 2 cấu trúc cảm thán phổ biến với WHAT và HOW ở trên:

=> I did it! (Tớ làm được rồi!)

=> I am so happy! (Tôi rất vui)

=> You did a good job! (Bạn làm tốt lắm!)

=> That is an expensive car! (Đó là một chiếc xe hơi đắt đỏ!)

=> I love the color of your room! (Tớ thích màu sắc căn phòng của cậu!)

=> That's amazing! (Thật ngạc nhiên!)




Exercise 1: Dùng What đặt thành câu cảm thán cho những câu sau:

E.g It is a thick book. ==> What a thick book!

1. It is a big house. ==>

2. They are beautiful flowers. ==>

3. She is a kind girl. ==>

4. That is a nice surprise. ==>

5. These are expensive rings. ==>

6. He is a fat man. ==>

7. It is a pity. ==>

8. They are dirty chairs. ==>



1.What a big house!

2.What beautiful flowers are!

3.What a kind girl!

4.What a nice surprise!

5.What expensive rings are!

6.What a fat man!

7.What dirty chairs are!




Exercise 2: Dùng How đặt thành câu cảm thán cho những câu sau:

E.g It is very nice. ==> How nice it is!

1. He is very strong. ==>

2. They are tall. ==>

3. It is expensive. ==>

4. They are too dangerous. ==>

5. She is very young. ==>

6. You are rich. ==>

7. I am happy. ==>

8. We are tired. ==>




1.How strong he is!

2.How tall they are!

3.How enpensive it is!

4.How too dangerous they are!

5.How very young she is!

6.How rich you are!

7.How happy I am!

8.How tired we are!




Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer for each following question.

1. A_______ can be an ancient story about brave people or magical events that are probably not true.

   A.table                B.fairytale                   C.folk tales                      D.legend

2. The main_________ of the fable “The Tortoise and the Hare” are a tortoise and a hare.

   A.characters        B.personalities            C.plots                             D.titles

3. A/ An_______ is a human-like creature, but it is extremely tall, strong and often bad and cruel.

   A.mermaid          B.giant                        C.ogre                              D.elf

4. The fox used his tricks to get food from the crow. What a_______ fox!

   A.mean               B.stupis                       C.cunning                        D.fierce

5. The Snow White’s stepmother is_________ . She has tried to kill her several times.

   A.ugly                 B.kind                         C.clever                           D.evil

6. A good_______ quickly chanted a magic spell to change the curse.

   A.emperor          B.fairy                         C.knight                            D.dwarf

7. In folk tales like Little Red Riding Hood, the_______ is always bad.

   A.lion                              C.wolf                                D.hare

8. One day, Mai An Tiem________ a bird eating a red fruit.

    A.see                B.saw                 seeing                          D.was seeing

9. ______ to the princess at midnight last night?

   A.Was a fairy talking                    B.Did a fairy talk 

   C.Has a fairy talked                      D.Does a fairy talk

10. When Tam__________ her hair, Cam _______all fish from Tam’s basket into hers.

   A.washed/poured was                      B.washing/was pouring 

   C.was washing/poured                     D.was washing/ was pouring


Key:1.b    2.a    3.c   4.c    5.d    6.b    7.c    8.b   9.b   10.c


Exercise 4: Read the following story and choose the best answer for each question.

Once upon a time, there lived in Morocco one of the richest men on earth. He was King Jodas. He loved gold more than anything else in the world except his lovely, young daughter with silky, black hair and sparkling eyes. Whenever King Jodas walked among his fruit trees and flower bushes, he wished he could turn them all into gold.

Early one morning, a god called Terrus came to visit King Jodas in his palace. He came to reward King Jodas for doing him a favour. Terrus offered to grant King Jodas whatever he wanted on earth. The King immediately asked that everything he touched be turned into gold. Terrus unwiilingly granted King Jodas his wish and vanished.

Everything was fine till one fateful day. The King wept aloud in despair as he hugged a golden figurine he loved so much. He did not mean to turn her into gold. He begged Terrus to take away the curse of the golden touch.

1. Which of the following was King Jodas’ most favoured?              B.fruit trees              C.flower bushes                D.his daughter

2. King Jodas’ love for gold tells me that he was_________________ ,

   A.greedy          B.selfish                                         D.cruel  

3. Terrus was in Morroco because he________________ .

A.wanted to visit King Jodas                          B.want to return King Jodas a favour                         C.decided to marry King Jodas’s daughter     D.heard about King Jodas’wish

4. King Jodas cried because __________________.

  A.Terrus was not going to grant him his wish

  B.Terrus vanished

  C.His daughter was turned into gold

  D.Terrus took away his wish

5. Which of the following titles is the most suitable for the story?

  A.The golden king                                     B.A reward   

  C.The king and his daughter                      D.The golden touch


Key: 1.d    2.a     3.b    4.c    5.d


Exercise 5: Complete these sentences about a family and a frog with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use the past simple or the past continuous.

Open             Change              hop               hear                   scream                ask

be                  shine                 have              call                    sing                     knock


It (1)____ a beautiful day. The sun (2)____ and the bird (3)______. A family (4)______ breakfast when they (5)______ a noise. Someone (6)_______ at the door. The mother (7)_______ the door. It was a frog! The mother (8)_______ . While the frog (9)____ away, the daughter (10)______ to him. The daughter (11)______ the frog to stay. Because of her kindness the frog (12) _______ into a handsome price. They got married  and lived happily ever after.

Key: 1.was            2. Was shining            3.was singing            4.was/ were having    5.heard                  6.was knocking           7.opened                   8.screamed        9.was hopping      10.called                      11.asked                    12.changed


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