Trong Tiếng anh, thành ngữ thường có cấu trúc:

Verb + noun (phrase) + preposition

Một số thành ngữ thông dụng:

  1. Catch sight of (sb/sth) :  Bắt gặp, nhìn thấy

       Ex: She caught sight of a car in the distance.

       (Cô ấy nhìn thấy một cái xe hơi ở đằng xa)

  1. Give place to (sb/sth) : nhường chỗ, bị thay thể bởi

Ex: Houses and factories gave place to open fields as the train gathered speed.

(Những ngôi nhà và nhà máy đã nhường chỗ cho những cánh đồng khi tàu tăng tốc độ.)

  1. Give way to (sb/sth): nhuongự bộ, chịu thua

Ex: He refuses to give way to his brother.

(Anh ấy từ chối việc phải chịu thua anh trai mình.)

  1. Keep pace with= Keep up with (sb/sth): sánh kịp, bắt kịp

Ex: The company is struggling to keep pace with the changes in the markets .

(Các công ty đang đấu tranh để bắt kịp với những thay đổi của thị trường.)

  1. Lose sight of (sb/sth): mất hút, không nhìn thấy

Ex: They finally lost sight of the land

(Họ cuối cùng không còn nhìn thấy mảnh đất.)

  1. Make allowance for : chiếu cố đến

Ex: The budget makes allowance for inflation.

( Ngân sách trợ cấp cho lạm phát)

  1. make fun of : chế nhạo

Ex: It is cruel to make fun of people who stammer.

(Thật là độc ác khi cười nhạo những người nói lắp bắp).

  1. make a fuss over/ about : làm rối tung lên, làm om sòm (usually to show how much you like them)

Ex: They are making the fuss over the baby.

(Bọn họ đang la lỗi om sòm vì một đứa trẻ con).


  1. make room for : dọn chỗ cho

Ex: How can we make room for all the furnitures?

(Làm sao để chunugs ta dọn chỗ cho tất cả đống đồ nội thất).



  1. make use of : dùng, sử dụng

Ex: How could we make better use of our resources ?

(Làm sao để chúng ta có thể sử dụng tốt hơn nguồn tài nguyên của chúng ta).


  1. lose touch with : mất liên lạc

Ex: I have lost touch with my distant relatives.

(Tôi đã mất liên lạc với những người họ hàng xa của tôi.


  1. keep/ lose track of : còn hay mất thông tin về những thứ đang diễn ra.

Ex: I lost all track of time (=forgot what time it was)

(Tôi quên mất bây giờ là mấy giờ.)


  1. put a stop to : làm ngừng lại

Ex: The boss put a stop to the making products process.

(Ông chủ làm ngừng lại chu trình sản xuất sản phẩm).


  1. take account of : để ý đến, lưu tâm

Ex: The company takes account to the environment issues wherever possible

(Công ty để ý đến


  1. take care of : chăm sóc

Ex: She takes great care of her clothes.

(Cô ấy chăm sóc kỹ quần áo của mình).


  1. take notice of : lưu ý

Ex: Don’t take any notice of what you read in the paper.

(Đừng quan tâm tới bất cứ thứ gì cậu đọc được từ tờ giấy đó).


  1. pay attention to : chú ý tới

Ex: Please pay more attention to your upcoming test.

(Chú ý thêm tới bài kiểm tra sắp tới của mình đi).


  1. put an end to : chấm dút

Ex: Let’s put an end to this rumour once and for all.

(Hãy dừng tin đồn này lại một lần và mãi mãi).


  1. set fire to : làm cháy, thiêu.

Ex: Several youths had set fire to the police station.

(Một số thanh niên gây hỏa hoạn ở trụ sở cảnh sát.)


  1. take advantage of : lợi dụng, tận dụng.

Ex: We took full advantage of the hotel facilities.

(Chúng tôi tận dụng mọi cơ sở vật chất của khách sạn).


  1. take note of : để ý, ghỉ chép

Ex: Take note of what he says

(Ghi chép lại những gì anh ấy nói).


  1. take leave of : từ biệt.

Ex: He has to take leave of his son.

(Anh ấy phải từ biệt với con trai.)


  1. give birth to : sinh con

Ex: Mary gave birth to the healthy baby.

(Mary đã hạ sinh một đứa bé khỏe mạnh).


  1. make a contribution to : góp phần

Ex: He made a great contribution the a charity.

(Anh ấy đóng góp lớn vào công việc từ thiện).


  1. keep correspondence with  : liên lạc thư từ

Ex: I still keep correspondence with my grand mom.

(Tôi vẫn giữ liên lạc bằng thư từ với bà của mình).


  1. show affection for : có cảm tình

Ex: The teacher seems to show affection for the gifted student.

(Giáo viên có vẻ có cảm tình với học sinh tài năng.)


  1. feel pity for/ take (have) pity on : thương xót

Ex: I only feel pity for what they were enduring

(Tôi chỉ cảm thấy thương xót cho những gì mà họ từng phải chịu đựng).


  1. feel regret for : hối tiếc, ân hận.

Ex: I feel regret for not studying harder.

(Tôi hối hận vì đã không học hành cố gắng hơn).


  1. feel sympathy for : thông cảm

Ex: I feel sympathy for your family circumstance.

(Tôi thông cảm cho hoàn cảnh gia đình của bạn).

  1. make complaint about. : hêu ca, phàn nàn

Ex: Stop making complaint about your job.

(Thôi phàn nàn về công việc của bạn đi)


  1. feel shame at. : xấu hổ

Ex I feel shame at my low point at class.

(Tôi cảm thấy xấu hổ về điểm thấp của bản thân tại lớp).


  1. have a look at : nhìn ngắm

Ex: Let’s have a look at that gorgeous view.

(Hãy nhìn ngắm khung cảnh tuyệt đẹp kia).


  1. get victory over : chiến thắng

Ex: We finally get fatigued victory over our last competitors.

(Chúng ta cuối cùng  cũng đã dành chiến thắng nhọc nhằn trước những đối thủ cuối cùng).


  1. play an influence over : có ảnh hưởng.

Ex: Parent play an influence over the child’s character.

( Cha mẹ ảnh hưởng tới nhân cách của con cái).

  1. have faith in : tin tưởng

Ex: I have a great faith in you.

(Tôi có long tin lớn vào cậu).

take interest in : quan tâm, thích thú


  1. make a decision on/ make up ones mind: quyết định

Ex: I finally made my own decision.

(Tôi cuối cùng cũng đưa ra quyết định của bản thân).



  1. under the weather: not feeling well, sick 

- John stayed home from work because he was feeling under the weather.

- When you catch cold, you feel under the weather.

  1. to hang up: to place clothes on a hook or hanger (S), to replace the receiver on the phone at the end of a conversation (S) 

- Would you like me to hang up your coat for you in the closet?

- The operator told me to hang the phone up and call the number again.

  1. to count on: to trust someone in time of need (also: to depend on) 

- I can count on my parents to help me in an emergency.

- Don't depend on Frank to lend you any money; he doesn't have any.

  1. to make friends (with): to become friendly with others 

- Patricia is a shy girl and doesn't make friends easily.

- During the cruise Ronald made friends with almost everyone on the ship.

  1. out of order: not in working condition 

- The elevator was out of order, so we had to walk to the tenth floor of the building.

  1. to get to: to be able to do something special; to arrive at a place, such as home, work, etc.

For the second definition, do not use the preposition to with the words home or there.

- The children got to stay up late and watch a good movie for the family.

- I missed the bus and couldn't get to the office until ten o'clock.

- When are you planning to get home tonight?

  1. few and far between: not frequent, unusual, rare 

- The times that our children get to stay up late are few and far between.

- Airplane travel is very safe because accidents are few and far between.

  1. to look over: to examine, to inspect closely (also: to go over, to read over, to check over) (S)

Go over is different from the other forms because it is not separable.

- I want to look my homework over again before I give it to the teacher.

- The politician went over his speech before the important presentation.

- You should never sign any legal paper without checking it over first.

  1. to have (time) off: to have free time, not to have to work (also: to take time off (S)) 

The related form (S) to take time off is used when someone makes a decision to have free time, sometimes when others might not agree with the decision.

- Every morning the company workers have time off for a coffee break.

- Several workers took the afternoon off to go to a baseball game.

  1. to go on: to happen; to resume, to continue (also: to keep on) 

- Many people gathered near the accident to see what was going on.

- I didn't mean to interrupt you. Please go on.

- The speaker kept on talking even though most of the audience had left.

  1. to put out: to extinguish, to cause to stop functioning (S) 

To put out has the same meaning as to turn off (Lesson 1) for a light fixture.

- No smoking is allowed in here. Please put out your cigarette.

- The fire fighters worked hard to put the brush fire out.

- Please put out the light before you leave. Okay, I'll put it out.

  1. all of a sudden: suddenly, without warning (also: all at once) 

- All of a sudden Ed appeared at the door. We weren't expecting him to drop by.

- All at once Millie got up and left the house without any explanation.

  1. in vain = without success.

- They tried in vain to persuade her to go with them on vacation.

- She waited in vain for her son to return home.

- All our efforts were in vain.

  1. in danger = unsafe không an toàn

- Children's lives are in danger every time they cross this road.

- Animals on the earth are in danger of extinction.

- Doctors said she is now out of danger.

- There is no danger of a bush fire now.

- The building is in danger of collapsing.

- How many factory workers are in danger of losing their jobs?

  1. in good shape = có vóc dáng vừa vặn
  2. in the pink = in good health condition
  3. to be in love = fall in love
  4. in command = in control dang kiểm soát
  5. in time = Eventually rốt cuộc, cuối cùng là

- They learned to accept their stepmother in time.





A. Choose the appropriate idiomatic expression to substitute for the italicized word or words in each sentence below. Idioms from previous lessons are indicated by number.

1. The businessman inspected the contract carefully before signing it.

A. looked over         B. looked out           C. counted on          D. look for

2. What's happening, John? The smoke alarm is ringing but there's no fire!

A. putting out          B. going on             C. hanging up          D. going up

3. The dark clouds rolled in quickly and it began to rain without warning.

A. all along             B. out of order         C. all of a sudden     D. at once

4. When do you think that we'll arrive at the hotel this evening?

A. get on                 B. go on                  C. get to                  D. get off

5. I'm busy this week, but I hope to have time free next week.

          A. to take my time   B. to have time off C. to check over        D. take my time

6. Gradually I'm learning how to play tennis, thanks to my kind instructor.

A. Little by little   B. All at once             C. Few and far between  D. day by day

7. It's nice to know that I can trust you to help me when I need it.

          A. count on             B. check over          C. make friends       D. get over

8. He's so careful when he plays sports that injuries are unusual for him.

A. under the weather                              B. few and far between     

C. out of order                                       D. out of work

9. John was sick last week so he didn’t go to school.

          A. well                   B. fine                    C. headache            D. under the weather                           

10. They went over the contract with great care.

          A. looked back        B. looked for           C. looked into         D. looked over   

11. I missed the bus and couldn't get to the office until ten o'clock.

          A. reach                  B. go                      C. arrive                 D. come

12. The politician went _______ his speech before the important presentation.

          A. on                      B. off                      C. over                   D. away

13. The speaker kept on talking even though most of the audience had left.

          A. went on              B. continued           C. went over           D. A and B are right

14. I can count on my parents to help me in an emergency.

          A. look for              B. depend on           C. go on                  D. try on         

15. Don't _______ Frank to lend you any money; he doesn't have any.

          A. go on                 B. look for              C. depend on           D. keep

16. The elevator was______, so we had to walk to the tenth floor of the building.

          A. out of fashion     B. out of date          C. out of order         D. out of work

17. The times that our children get to stay up late are few and far between.

          A. not frequent        B. occasionally       C. often                  D. always

18. No smoking is allowed in here. Please _______ your cigarette.

          A. out off                B. put out                C. put away             D. put on

19. You should never sign any legal paper without checking it _______ first.

          A. up                      B. in                       C. out                     D. over

20. Every morning the company workers have time _______ for a coffee break.

          A. in                       B. out                     C. off                      D. over

21. Patricia is a shy girl and doesn't make _______ easily.

          A. work                  B. acquaintance       C. mate                   D. friends

22. All at once Millie got up and left the house without any explanation.

          A. as usual              B. as first                C. suddenly             D. not frequent

23. John stayed home from work because he was feeling under the weather.

          A. well                   B. fine                    C. illness                D. sick

24. Several workers took the afternoon _______ to go to a baseball game.

          A. over                   B. off                      C. after                   D. part in         

25. The fire fighters worked hard to put the fire_______.

          A. off                     B. over                   C. on                      D. out

26. Would you like me to hang _______ your coat for you in the closet?

          A. up                      B. over                   C. in                       D. out

27. During the cruise Ronald made friends _______ almost everyone on the ship.

          A. off                     B. with                   C. out                     D. away

28. The children got to stay _______ late and watch a good movie for the family.

          A. in                       B. out                     C. with                   D. up

29. All of a sudden Edward appeared at the door. We weren't expecting him to drop by.

          A. as usual              B. frequently           C. expectedly          D. without warning

30. When you catch cold, you feel _______ the weather.

          A. on                      B. under                  C. off                      D. over

31. Airplane travel is very safe because accidents are few and far between.

          A. not frequent        B. often                  C. now and then      D. occasionally

32. Many people gathered near the accident to see what was going on.

          A. putting on           B. looking over       C. happening           D. completing

33. I didn't mean to interrupt you. Please go on.

          A. stop                   B. quit                    C. review                D. continue

34. The operator told me to hang the phone _______ and call the number again.

          A. out                     B. up                      C. off                      D. away

35. We couldn't use the soft drink machine because it was out of order.

          A. not working        B. quitting               C. looking over       D. not moving

36. Don't ______ your work - do it now.

          A. put off                B. put out                C. put away             D. put on

37. Make sure you put _______ a sweater before you go outside.

          A. out                     B. off                      C. on                      D. up

38. I told you kids to put your toys_______.

          A. up                      B. away                  C. off                      D. on

39. He put out his cigarette before entering the building.

          A. distinguished      B. put off                C. extinguish           D. guided

40. I want to look my homework _______ again before I give it to the teacher.

          A. after                   B. up to                   C. down on             D. over

41. –“Please put _______ the light before you leave.” –“Okay.”

          A. out                     B. away                  C. over                   D. off

42. The teacher advised me that I shouldn’t quit my hope and _______going.

          A. kept on               B. stopped              C. put off                D. put on

43. She _______her father; everyone says how alike they are!

A. takes after           B. takes off             C. falls out              D. lets off

44. Her neighbors have loud parties every night, but she doesn't complain. She just _______it.

          A. put on                B. put off                C. puts up with        D. put up

45. My husband said, "I've _______ your brother long enough!"

          A. put away            B. put out                C. put up                 D. put up with

46. Excuse me, can you help me? I'm looking _______ 303 Main St.

          A. after                   B. up to                   C. for                      D. out

47. I looked ______ you at the party, but I didn't see you.

          A. for                     B. down on             C. after                   D. at

48. I put on my new dress before going to the party.

          A. dressed              B. tried on               C. got off                D. took off

49. Put that cigarette ______ immediately.

          A. off                     B. out                     C. away                  D. on

50. It was two hours before the fire was_______.

          A. put up                B. put away             C. put off                D. put out

51. After I finished talking to her on the phone, I said good-bye and_______.

A. hung up              B. put up                 C. went on              D. kept on

52. When I get home, the first thing I do is hang my coat______.

          A. away                  B. over                   C. on                      D. up

53. Timmy never hangs anything_______; he just leaves it on the floor.

          A. out                     B.up                       C. off                      D. away

54. The governor said that she's counting on our support in the next election.

          A. relying on           B. depending on      C. put on                 D. A and B are right

55. Everyone can _______in this school activity.

A. take off               B. take on               C. take part             D. take

56. The doctor asked me to _______my shirt.

A. put off                B. take off               C. take out              D. put out
57. He ought to look the car _______ before he buys it.

          A. down on             B. up to                   C. for                      D. over

58. They tried in vain to save enough money to buy a house and so finally they rented one.

          A. without money    B. without trial        C. without success   D. without work

59. The children knew full well they were in danger skating because they had read the notice about the thin ice.

          A. unhappy             B. uncertain            C. unclear               D. unsafe

60. Considering they are over 70 years old, you must admit they are in good shape.

          A. fit                      B. wealthy              C. clever                 D. slow

61. Thanks to her regular workouts and sensible diet she certainly strikes me as in the pink.

          A. in extreme health B. in good health     C. in absolute health D. in clear health

62. What I really have in mind is a garden where there is very little to look after throughout the year.

          A. think                  B. believe               C. visualize             D. consider

63. Although Romeo and Juliet were deeply in love, they still managed to kill themselves.

A. loved each other often                       B. loved each other very much
C. loved each other most of the time       D. loved each other mostly

64. I think you can stop worrying now because it's quite clear she's in command of the situation..

          A. in control            B. in sight               C. in place              D. in view

65. In time when you've got used to the idea, you'll be pleased you did it.

          A. At last                B. At first                C. At least               D. Eventually

66. Here's the first chapter of my new book; look it _______ and tell me what you think.

          A. for                     B. over                   C. forward to           D. down on





A. Choose the appropriate idiomatic expression to substitute for the italicized word or words in each sentence below. Idioms from previous lessons are indicated by number.

1. The businessman inspected the contract carefully before signing it.

A. looked over        B. looked out           C. counted on          D. look for

2. What's happening, John? The smoke alarm is ringing but there's no fire!

A. putting out          B. going on             C. hanging up          D. going up

3. The dark clouds rolled in quickly and it began to rain without warning.

A. all along             B. out of order         C. all of a sudden   D. at once

4. When do you think that we'll arrive at the hotel this evening?

A. get on                 B. go on                  C. get to                 D. get off

5. I'm busy this week, but I hope to have time free next week.

          A. to take my time   B. to have time off C. to check over       D. take my time

6. Gradually I'm learning how to play tennis, thanks to my kind instructor.

A. Little by little   B. All at once            C. Few and far between  D. day by day

7. It's nice to know that I can trust you to help me when I need it.

          A. count on             B. check over          C. make friends       D. get over

8. He's so careful when he plays sports that injuries are unusual for him.

A. under the weather                              B. few and far between   

C. out of order                                       D. out of work

9. John was sick last week so he didn’t go to school.

          A. well                   B. fine                    C. headache            D. under the weather                     

10. They went over the contract with great care.

          A. looked back        B. looked for           C. looked into         D. looked over  

11. I missed the bus and couldn't get to the office until ten o'clock.

          A. reach                 B. go                      C. arrive                 D. come

12. The politician went _______ his speech before the important presentation.

          A. on                      B. off                      C. over                   D. away

13. The speaker kept on talking even though most of the audience had left.

          A. went on              B. continued           C. went over           D. A and B are right

14. I can count on my parents to help me in an emergency.

          A. look for              B. depend on          C. go on                  D. try on         

15. Don't _______ Frank to lend you any money; he doesn't have any.

          A. go on                 B. look for              C. depend on          D. keep

16. The elevator was______, so we had to walk to the tenth floor of the building.

          A. out of fashion     B. out of date          C. out of order       D. out of work

17. The times that our children get to stay up late are few and far between.

          A. not frequent      B. occasionally       C. often                  D. always

18. No smoking is allowed in here. Please _______ your cigarette.

          A. out off                B. put out               C. put away             D. put on

19. You should never sign any legal paper without checking it _______ first.

          A. up                      B. in                       C. out                     D. over

20. Every morning the company workers have time _______ for a coffee break.

          A. in                       B. out                     C. off                     D. over

21. Patricia is a shy girl and doesn't make _______ easily.

          A. work                  B. acquaintance       C. mate                   D. friends

22. All at once Millie got up and left the house without any explanation.

          A. as usual              B. as first                C. suddenly            D. not frequent

23. John stayed home from work because he was feeling under the weather.

          A. well                   B. fine                    C. illness                D. sick

24. Several workers took the afternoon _______ to go to a baseball game.

          A. over                   B. off                      C. after                   D. part in         

25. The fire fighters worked hard to put the fire_______.

          A. off                     B. over                   C. on                      D. out

26. Would you like me to hang _______ your coat for you in the closet?

          A. up                      B. over                   C. in                       D. out

27. During the cruise Ronald made friends _______ almost everyone on the ship.

          A. off                     B. with                   C. out                     D. away

28. The children got to stay _______ late and watch a good movie for the family.

          A. in                       B. out                     C. with                   D. up

29. All of a sudden Edward appeared at the door. We weren't expecting him to drop by.

          A. as usual              B. frequently           C. expectedly          D. without warning

30. When you catch cold, you feel _______ the weather.

          A. on                      B. under                 C. off                      D. over

31. Airplane travel is very safe because accidents are few and far between.

          A. not frequent      B. often                  C. now and then      D. occasionally

32. Many people gathered near the accident to see what was going on.

          A. putting on           B. looking over       C. happening         D. completing

33. I didn't mean to interrupt you. Please go on.

          A. stop                   B. quit                    C. review                D. continue

34. The operator told me to hang the phone _______ and call the number again.

          A. out                     B. up                      C. off                      D. away

35. We couldn't use the soft drink machine because it was out of order.

          A. not working       B. quitting               C. looking over       D. not moving

36. Don't ______ your work - do it now.

          A. put off               B. put out                C. put away             D. put on

37. Make sure you put _______ a sweater before you go outside.

          A. out                     B. off                      C. on                      D. up

38. I told you kids to put your toys_______.

          A. up                      B. away                  C. off                      D. on

39. He put out his cigarette before entering the building.

          A. distinguished      B. put off                C. extinguish          D. guided

40. I want to look my homework _______ again before I give it to the teacher.

          A. after                   B. up to                   C. down on             D. over

41. –“Please put _______ the light before you leave.” –“Okay.”

          A. out                     B. away                  C. over                   D. off

42. The teacher advised me that I shouldn’t quit my hope and _______going.

          A. kept on              B. stopped              C. put off                D. put on

43. She _______her father; everyone says how alike they are!

A. takes after         B. takes off             C. falls out              D. lets off

44. Her neighbors have loud parties every night, but she doesn't complain. She just _______it.

          A. put on                B. put off                C. puts up with      D. put up

45. My husband said, "I've _______ your brother long enough!"

          A. put away            B. put out                C. put up                 D. put up with

46. Excuse me, can you help me? I'm looking _______ 303 Main St.

          A. after                   B. up to                   C. for                     D. out

47. I looked ______ you at the party, but I didn't see you.

          A. for                     B. down on             C. after                   D. at

48. I put on my new dress before going to the party.

          A. dressed              B. tried on               C. got off                D. took off

49. Put that cigarette ______ immediately.

          A. off                     B. out                     C. away                  D. on

50. It was two hours before the fire was_______.

          A. put up                B. put away             C. put off                D. put out

51. After I finished talking to her on the phone, I said good-bye and_______.

A. hung up             B. put up                 C. went on              D. kept on

52. When I get home, the first thing I do is hang my coat______.

          A. away                  B. over                   C. on                      D. up

53. Timmy never hangs anything_______; he just leaves it on the floor.

          A. out                     B.up                       C. off                      D. away

54. The governor said that she's counting on our support in the next election.

          A. relying on           B. depending on      C. put on                 D. A and B are right

55. Everyone can _______in this school activity.

A. take off               B. take on               C. take part           D. take

56. The doctor asked me to _______my shirt.

A. put off                B. take off              C. take out              D. put out
57. He ought to look the car _______ before he buys it.

          A. down on             B. up to                   C. for                      D. over

58. They tried in vain to save enough money to buy a house and so finally they rented one.

          A. without money    B. without trial        C. without success D. without work

59. The children knew full well they were in danger skating because they had read the notice about the thin ice.

          A. unhappy             B. uncertain            C. unclear               D. unsafe

60. Considering they are over 70 years old, you must admit they are in good shape.

          A. fit                      B. wealthy              C. clever                 D. slow

61. Thanks to her regular workouts and sensible diet she certainly strikes me as in the pink.

          A. in extreme health B. in good health C. in absolute health D. in clear health

62. What I really have in mind is a garden where there is very little to look after throughout the year.

          A. think                  B. believe               C. visualize            D. consider

63. Although Romeo and Juliet were deeply in love, they still managed to kill themselves.

A. loved each other often                       B. loved each other very much
C. loved each other most of the time       D. loved each other mostly

64. I think you can stop worrying now because it's quite clear she's in command of the situation.

          A. in control           B. in sight               C. in place              D. in view

65. In time when you've got used to the idea, you'll be pleased you did it.

          A. At last                B. At first                C. At least               D. Eventually

66. Here's the first chapter of my new book; look it _______ and tell me what you think.

          A. for                     B. over                   C. forward to           D. down on




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