Bảo vệ môi trường

  1. Từ vựng:

- aquatic /əˈkwætɪk/(adj): dưới nước, sống ở trong nước

- article /ˈɑːtɪkl/(n): bài báo

- chemical /ˈkemɪkl/ (n)/ (adj): hóa chất, hóa học

- confuse /kənˈfjuːz/(v): làm lẫn lộn, nhầm lẫn

- confusion /kənˈfjuːʒn/ (n): sự lẫn lộn, nhầm lẫn

- consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃn/ (n): sự tiêu thụ, tiêu dùng

- contaminate /kənˈtæmɪneɪt/ (v): làm bẩn, nhiễm

- damage /ˈdæmɪdʒ/(v): làm hại, làm hỏng

- deforestation /ˌdiːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃn/(n) : sự phá rừng, sự phát quang

- degraded /dɪˈɡreɪd/ (adj): giảm sút chất lượng

- deplete /dɪˈpliːt/ (v) : làm suy yếu, cạn kiệt

- depletion/dɪˈpliːʃn/ (n): sự suy yếu, cạn kiệt

- destruction /dɪˈstrʌkʃn/ (n): sự phá hủy, tiêu diệt

- ecosystem /ˈiːʊsɪstəm/ (n): hệ sinh thái

- editor /ˈedɪtə(r)/ (n) : biên tập viên

- fertilizer /ˈfɜːtəlaɪzə(r)/ (n): phân bón

- fossil fuel (n.phr): nhiên liệu hóa thạch (làm từ sự phân hủy của động vật hay thực vật tiền sử)

- global warming /ˈɡləʊblˈwɔːmɪŋ/(n.phr): sự nóng lên toàn cầu

- greenhouse effect /ˈɡriːnhaʊsɪˈfekt/ (n.phr): hiệu ứng nhà kính

- influence (v,n): ảnh hưởng, tác dụng

- inorganic /ˌɪnɔːˈɡænɪk/(adj): vô cơ

- long-term /ˌlɒŋ ˈtɜːm/ (adj): dài hạn, lâu dài

- mass-media /ˌmæs ˈmiːdiə/(n.phr): thông đại chúng

- pesticide /ˈpestɪsaɪd/(n): thuốc trừ sâu

- polar ice melting/ˈʊlə(r)aɪsˈmeltɪŋ/ : sự tan băng ở địa cực

- pollute /pəˈluːt/(v): gây ô nhiễm

- pollutant /pəˈluːtənt/ (n): chất ô nhiễm

- pollution /pəˈluːʃn/ (n): sự ô nhiễm

- preserve/prɪˈzɜːv/ (y): giữ gìn, bảo tồn

- preservation /ˌprezəˈveɪʃn/(n): sự bảo tồn, duy trì

- protect /prəˈtekt/ (v): bảo vệ, che chở

- protection /prəˈtekʃn/ (n): sự bảo vệ, che chở

- sewage /ˈsuːɪdʒ/ (n) : nước cống

- solution /səˈluːʃn/(n): giải pháp, cách giải quyết

- vegetation /ˌvedʒəˈteɪʃn/(n): cây cỏ, thực vật


  1. Ngữ pháp:
  1. Direct speech (Lời nói trực tiếp)

Lời nói trực tiếp (direct speech) là lời nói khi chúng ta lặp lại nguyên văn của người nào đó.

  1. Reported speech (Lời nói gián tiếp/tường thuật)

- Là lời tường thuật lại ý của người nói, đôi khi không cần dùng đúng những từ của người nói.

- Muốn đổi câu mệnh lệnh, yêu cầu và đề nghị từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp, chúng ta phải thay đổi chủ từ, động từ và trạng từ chỉ thời gian hay địa điểm.

- Động từ tường thuật thường được dùng là:

  • ordered = commanded: ra lệnh
  • asked = requested: yêu cầu
  • begged: nài nỉ
  • told: bảo

- Nguyên tắc đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp:

  1. Động từ tường thuật của câu lời nói thường là saytell.

Ex: My friend said, “I will call him tomorrow”.

=>My friend said that she would call him the day after.

Ngoài say và tell một số động từ khác như ask, answer, exclaim, suggest,... cũng được dùng để tường thuật tùy theo ý nghĩa của câu lời nói.

  1. Say to + Noun (Say to luôn luôn theo sau là một danh từ làm túc từ)

Ex: He said to his friend, “He will leave Ho Chi Minh City tomorrow”.

=>He told his friend that he would leave Ho Chi Minh City tomorrow.

  1. Thay đổi ngôi số của đại từ cho phù hợp

I => he/ she

You => I/ We/ They

We => We/ They

Me => him/ her

You => me/ us/ them

Us => us/ them

My => his/ her

Your => my/ our/ their

Our => our/ their

Mine => his/ hers

Yours => mine/ ours/ theirs

Ours => ours/ theirs

This => the/ that

These => the/ those

  1. Thay đổi trạng từ chỉ thời gian:

this => that                                      

these => those

here => there                                   

now => then

today => that day                                    

tonight => that night

ago => before                                  

this week => that week

yesterday => the day before          

ago => before

the day before yesterday => two days before

last week = > the week before; the previous week

  1. Khi đổi một câu từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp ta phải lùi thì:
  • HTĐ => QKĐ

Ex: Jerry said, “I never eat chicken.”

  • Jerry said that she never ate chicken.
  • HTTD => QKTD

Ex: She said, “I’m looking for the books.”

  • She said she was looking for the books.
  • HTHT => QKHT

Ex: He said, “I’ve watched that film.”

  • He said he had watched that film.

Ex: Mark said, “I’ve been learning Japanese for 4 years.”

  • Mark said he had been learning Japanese for 4 years.

Ex: Mai said, “I went to the zoo by bus.”

  • Mai said she went/ had gone to the zoo by bus.

Ex: Cherry said, “I was sitting in the park at 9 o’clock.”

  • Cherry said she was sitting/ had been sitting in the park at 9 o’clock.
  • QKHT => QKHT

Ex: Diana said, “My money had run out.”

  • Diana said her money had run out.
  • TLĐ => TLQK

Ex: July said, “I will phone you.”

  • July said she would phone me.
  • TLTD => TLTD trong QK

Ex: Thomas said, “I will be playing football tomorrow.”

Thomas said he would be playing football tomorrow.

  • Modal verbs

Can => Could

May => Might

Must => Must/ Had to

  1. Bài tập tự luyện:

Bài tập 1: Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng cách nói gián tiếp.

  1. “Open the door,” he said to them.
  • He told them...................................................................
  1. “Where are you going?” he asked her.
  • He asked her where.........................................................
  1. “Which way did they go?” he asked.
  • He asked... ......................................................................
  1. “Bring it back if it doesn’t fit”, I said to her.
  • I told... ............................................................................
  1. “Don’t try to open it now,” she said to us.
  • She told... ........................................................................
  1. “Is it going to be a fine day today?” I asked her.
  • I asked her... ....................................................................
  1. “He’s not at home”, she said.
  • She said that... .................................................................
  1. “Is the bus station far away?” the girl asked.
  • The girl wanted to know... ..............................................
  1. “Don’t stay out late, Ann” Tom said.
  • Tom told Ann... ...............................................................
  1. “Please let me borrow your car,” he said to her.
  • He asked... ........................................................................
  1. “Jean, have you seen my gloves?” Thomas asked.
  • Thomas asked Jean.....
  1. Don’t leave the window open, Mary”, I said.
  • I told Mary.... ...................................................................
  1. “I’ll have a cup of tea with you,” she said.
  • She said that...
  1. “I’ll pay him if I can” she said.
  • She said that... ...................................................................
  1. “What are you going to do next summer?” she asked.
  • She asked us.... ...................................................................
  1. “I’ll phone you tomorrow,” he told Jack.
  • He told Jack that.... .............................................................
  1. “Can I sit beside you, Jean?” Tom asked.
  • Tom asked Jean.... ..............................................................
  1. “I want a camera for my birthday,” he said.
  • He said that.... ...................................................................
  1. “Don’t keep the door locked,”  he said to us.
  • He told us.... ...................................................................
  1. “How long are you going to stay?” I asked him.
  • I asked him how long....

Bài tập 2: Chuyển những câu trực tiếp sau qua câu gián tiếp

  1. He said that he had never seen me.

“………………………………………………………….. ,” he said.

  1. We told them that we were working on it.

“…………………………………………. on it,” we told them.

  1. She said she lived in York.

“………………………….. in York ,” she said.

  1. Paul claimed that he had been exercising for several years.

“………………………………………………………………. for several years,” claimed Paul.

  1. He said that at one o’clock he had been having lunch.

“At one o’clock ………………………………………. lunch,” he said.

  1. They replied that they had started on time.

“……………………………………. on time,” they replied.

  1. Phil said he wanted to be a lawyer.

“………………………………………. a lawyer,” said Phil.

  1. Mary told us she wouldn’t be in her office.

“…………………………………………… office,” told us Mary.

  1. He claimed that he had always been my friend.

“……………………………………………….. friend,” he claimed.

  1. Betty told me that she hadn’t known about the email I had sent to her.

“…………………………….. about the email ……………………………………………………. ,” told me Betty.

Bài tập 3: Viết lại câu tường thuật lời nói

  1. ”If I were you,I wouldn’t buy this car”

àHe advised.........................................................................................

  1. ”Shall I carry your suicase,Lan?”said Nam.

àNam offered.....................................................................................

  1. ”Yes,all right,I’ll share the food with you,Dave.”

àAnn agreed............................................................................

  1. ”Sue,can you remember to buy some bread?”

àPaul reminded........................................................................

  1. ”Don’t touch anything in this room”,the man said to the children.

àThe man ordered......................................................................

  1. ”I must go home to make the dinner”,said Mary.


  1. ”Are you going to Ho Chi Minh City next week?”Tom asked me.

àTom asked...............................................................

  1. ”Have you finished your homework?”Mom asked.

àMom asked if...............................................................................................

  1. 9.She said to me:”I can’t do it by myself”

àShe told me that....................................................................................................................

  1. 10.”Does your brother live in London,Nam?”Lan asked.

àLan wanted to know if...........................................................................

  1. ”Don’t repeat this mistake again.”his father warned him.

àHis father warned him......................................................

  1. ”Give me a smile,”The photographer said to me.


  1. ”Don’t leave these book on the table” ,the librarian said to the students                                                                                

àThe librarian told the students.....................................................

  1. ”Have you travelled abroad much?”he asked me.


  1. ”Who has written this note?” the boss asked the secretary.

àThe boss asked...................................................................................

  1. ”I have just received a postcard from my sister,”my friend said to me.

àMy friend told me...............................................................

  1. ”This story happened long ago”he said.

àHe said...........................................................................

Bài tập 4: Thuật lại câu và suy nghĩ động từ cần tường thuật hợp lí:

  1. "Don't repeat this mistake again!" the instructor warned the sports¬man.
  2. "Leave your address with the secretary," the assistant said to me.
  3. "Phone to me for an answer tomorrow” the manager said to the client.
  4. "Don't be so silly," the father said to the kid.
  5. "Give a smile," the photographer said to me.
  6. "Please, help me to make a decision," Ann asked her friend.
  7. "Don't leave these books on the table, put them back on the shelf," the librarian said to the student.
  8. "Be a good girl and sit quietly for five minutes," the nurse said to the child.
  9. "Leave your things here," my companion advised me.
  10. "Don't discuss this question now," said the chairman to the participants.


Bài tập 1: Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng cách nói gián tiếp.

  1. He told them to open the door.
  2. He asked her where she was going.
  3. He asked me which way they had gone.
  4. I told her to bring it back if it didn’t fit.
  5. She told us not to try to open it then.
  6. I asked her whether/ if it was going to be a fine day that day.
  7. She said that he was not at home.
  8. The girl wanted to know whether/ if the bus station was far away.
  9. Tom told Ann not to stay out late.
  10. He asked her to let him borrow her car.
  11. Thomas asked Jean whether/if she had seen his gloves.
  12. I told Mary not to leave the window open.
  13. She said that she would have a cup of tea with me.
  14. She said that she would pay him if she could.
  15. She asked us what we were going to do the following summer.
  16. He told Jack that he would phone him the following day.
  17. Tom asked Jean whether/if he could sit beside her.
  18. He said that he wanted a camera for his birthday.
  19. He told us not to keep the door locked.
  20. I asked him how long he was going to stay.

Bài tập 2: Chuyển những câu trực tiếp sau qua câu gián tiếp

  1. “I have never seen you,” he said.
  2. “We are working on it,” we told them.
  3. “I live in York,” she said.
  4. “I have been exercising for several years,” claimed Paul.
  5. “At one o’clock I was having lunch,” he said.
  6. “We started on time,” they replied.
  7. “I want to be a lawyer,” said Phil.
  8. “I won’t be in my office,” told us Mary.
  9. “I have always been your friend,” he claimed.
  10. “I didn’t know about the email you had sent to me,” told me Betty.

Bài tập 3: Viết lại câu tường thuật lời nói

  1. He advised me not to buy that car.
  2. Nam offered to carry Lan’s suitcase.
  3. Ann agreed to share the food with Dave.
  4. Paul reminded Sue to buy some bread.
  5. The man ordered the children not to touch anything in that room.
  6. Mary said that she had to go home to make the dinner.
  7. Tom asked me if/whether I was going to Ho Chi Minh City the next week/the following week.
  8. Mom asked if I had finished my homework.
  9. She told me that she couldn’t do it by herself.
  10. Lan wanted to know if Nam’s brother lived in London.
  11. His father warned him not to repeat that mistake again.
  12. The photographer told me to give a smile.
  13. The librarian told the student not to leave those books on the table.
  14. He asked me if I had travelled abroad much.
  15. The boss asked the secretaty who had written that note.
  16. My friend told me she had just received a postcast from his sister.
  17. He said that story had happened long before

Bài tập 4: Thuật lại câu và suy nghĩ động từ cần tường thuật hợp lí

  1. The insructor warned the sportsman not to repeat that mistake again.
  2. The assistant told me to leave the address with the secretary.
  3. The manager asked the client to phone to him for an answer the next day/the following day.
  4. The father told the kid not to be so silly.
  5. The photographer told me to give a smile.
  6. Ann asked/begged her friend to help her make a decision.
  7. T he librarian told the student not to leave those books on the table,but to put them back on the shelf.
  8. The nurse told the child to be a good girl and to sit quietly for five minutes.
  9. My companion advised me to leave my things there.
  10. The chairman asked the participants not to discuss that question at the moment.


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