A, Vocabulary

  • hold [hould] – held – held (v): tổ chức

Ví dụ: The beauty contest is being held next week.                                                

  • champion (n) ['t∫æmpjən]: nhà vô địch

Ví dụ: In my heart, our team is always a champion.

  • team (n) [ti:m]: đội, nhóm  

Ví dụ: We are a team, don’t forget that!

  • runner-up (n) [,rʌnər'ʌp]: đội về nhì

Ví dụ: Croatia is the runner-ul of the FIFA World Cup 2018.

  • tournament (n) ['tɔ:nəmənt]: vòng đấu, giải đấu 

Ví dụ: The tournament lasts about 4 months.                                

  • consider (v) [kən'sidə]: đánh giá, coi (là) 

Ví dụ: She is considered to be very talented.                                          

  • popular (adj) ['pɔpjulə]: được ưa thích

Ví dụ: Football is very popular in my country.

  • sporting event (n) ['spɔ:tiη,i'vent]: sự kiện thể thao 

Ví dụ: The biggest sport event will take place there.                           

  • passionate (adj) ['pæ∫ənət]: say mê

Ví dụ: My sister is passionate in playing the violon.

  • globe (n) [gloub]: toàn cầu

Ví dụ: Taylor Swift is famous all over the globe.                                                                 

  • attract (v) [ə'trækt]: thu hút

Ví dụ: She waved her hand to attract my attention.

  • billion (n) ['biljən]: 1 tỉ 

Ví dụ: China has a population of over 1 billion.                                                                     

  • viewer (n) ['vju:ə]: người xem

Ví dụ: TV viewer now become much choosier.

  • governing body (n) ['gʌvəniη,'bɔdi]: cơ quan quản lí 

Ví dụ: FIFA is the governing body of the international football.                            

  • set  [set] (v) up: thành lập

Ví dụ: He decided to set up a new French class.

  • world championship (n)[wə:ld,t∫æmpjən∫ip] giải vô địch thế giới.

Ví dụ: She isn’t old enough to participate in the coming world championship.

  • it is not until: phải đến (khi)

Ví dụ: It is not until she came back home that she had dinner.

  • take (v) part [pɑ:t] in: tham dự

= participate in

Ví dụ: I’m so glad to take part in the beauty contest.                                                            

  • host (n) [houst]: chủ nhà

        (v) [houst]: làm chủ nhà

Ví dụ: I don’t get on well with the host because of his bad temper.                                                 

  • gain [gein] (v) a victory over somebody: giành (được) chiến thắng

Ví dụ: German gained a victory over Argentina 4 years ago.

  • final (n) ['fainl] trận chung kết, vòng chung kết 

Ví dụ: U23 Vietnam were so glad to play in the final match.                                    

  • witness (v) ['witnis]: chứng kiến

Ví dụ: I’ve never witnessed such a stranger house.                                                        

  • compete (v) [kəm'pi:t]: cạnh tranh

Ví dụ: These companies have competed for customers.

  • elimination [i,limi'nei∫n] games: các trận đấu loại

Ví dụ: The elimination games are so delightful.                              

  • finalist (n) ['fainəlist]: đội vào vòng chung kết

Ví dụ: The finalist team is very famous.

  • jointly (adv) ['dʒɔintli]: phối hợp, liên kết

Ví dụ: Two countries jointly hold the sport event.                                           

  • trophy (n) ['troufi]: cúp

Ví dụ: We train hard to win the trophy.

  • honoured (adj) ['ɔnəd]: vinh dự

Ví dụ: So honored to take part in this event.                                                        

  • title (n) ['taitl]: danh hiệu

Ví dụ: Our team won the highest title.

  • competition (n) [,kɔmpi'ti∫n]: cuộc cạnh tranh, thi đấu          

Ví dụ: I’m looking forward to participating in the competition.              

  • a  series ['siəri:z] of : một loạt

Ví dụ: A series of films is on at the cinema.

  • involve (v) [in'vɔlv]: liên quan 

Ví dụ: She is involved in that scandal.                                                         

  • prize (n) [praiz]: giải

Ví dụ: My girl won the highest prize in the contest.

  • provide (v) [prə'vaid]: cung cấp   

Ví dụ: The shop provides many cute litte things.                                                      

  • facility (n) [fə'siliti]: thiết bị

Ví dụ: The facilities in the house are still in use.

  • take (v) part in: tham gia  

Ví dụ: She is going to take part in the contest.                                                              

  • Asia (n) [ei∫ə]: châu á

Ví dụ: I’m from Vietnam, a country in Asia.

  • FIFA: ['fi:fə] liên đoàn bóng đá quốc tế
  • Team of + tên nước: đội tuyển nước nào ....

Ví dụ: I like team of Germany very much.

  • score (n) [skɔ:]: bàn thắng, điểm số  

   (v): ghi bàn   

       Ví dụ: Cong Phuong scored the final goal.                                            

  • match (n) [mæt∫]: trận đấu

Ví dụ: Did you watch the match yesterday?

  • host country ['kʌntri] (n): nước chủ nhà

Ví dụ: Russia is the host country of FIFA World Cup 2018.                                         

  • winner (n) ['winə]: đội chiến thắng

Ví dụ: The winner is very proud.

  • penalty shoot-out (n) ['penlti, '∫u:t'aut]: cú đá phạt đền

Ví dụ: Our team was defeated in the penalty shoot-out.                          

  • defeat (v) [di'fi:t]: đánh bại

Ví dụ: China was defeated by one to nil.

  • goal –scorer (n) [goul,kɔ:rə]: cầu thủ ghi bàn   

Ví dụ: The goal -scorer in the game is dancing happily.                                  

  • great (adj) [greit]: vĩ đại

Ví dụ: Messi is one of the greatest football player of all time.

  • football player (n) ['futbɔ:l,pleiə]: cầu thủ

Ví dụ: What is your favorite football player?                                            

  • of all time: mọi thời đại

Ví dụ: Taylor Swift has one of the most successful stadium tour of all time.

  • kick (v) [kik]: đá                                                                                
  • lead (v) [led]: dẫn dắt, lãnh đạo 

Ví dụ: He lead the whole team to the final match.                                           

  • ambassasdor (n) [æm'bæsədə]: đại sứ

Ví dụ: I’m going to see the ambassasdor of Vietnam in the USA.                                                  

  • promote (v) [prə'mout]: thúc đẩy

Ví dụ: He is the reason promoting me study harder.

  • peace (n) [pi:s]: hòa bình 

Ví dụ: Pigeons are said to be the symbols of peace.                                                                

  • hero (n) ['hiərou]: anh hùng 

Ví dụ: Nup is one of our national heroes.                                                                                                                                             

  • Championship (n) ['t∫æmpjən∫ip]: chức vô địch   

Ví dụ: We are looking forward to the championship tournaments.                                                     

  • retire (v) [ri'taiə]: về hưu

Ví dụ: He has retired since last summer.

  • committee (n) [kə'miti]: ủy ban

Ví dụ: After having lunch, the committee continued working.                                                         

  • announce (v) [ə'nauns]: thông báo

Ví dụ: The result will be announced tomorrow.

  • postpone (v) [pə'spoun]: hoãn lại

Ví dụ: The match yesterday was postponed.

  • due [dju:] to: do

Ví dụ: I can’t go to school due to the flood.

  • severe (adj) [si'viə]: khắc nghiệt     

Ví dụ: The flight was delayed owing to the severe snow.                                                  

  • stadium (n) ['steidiəm]: sân vận động

Ví dụ: The stadium is so large that we nearly get lost.

  • captain (n) ['kæptin]: đội trưởng 

Ví dụ: We all admire the captain very much.                                                       

  • football season ['si:zn] (n): mùa bóng

Ví dụ: We watch TV together in foorball reason.

  • call [kɔ:l] (v) for :kêu gọi 

Ví dụ: Will you call for the doctor, please!                                                                

  • volunteer (n) [,vɔlən'tiə]: tình nguyện viên

Ví dụ: I have been working as a volunteer for 2 years.

  • state (v) [steit]: nêu, phát biểu   

Ví dụ: It is stated that the Earth moves around the Sun.                                                       

  • contact (v) ['kɔntækt]: liên hệ

Ví dụ: Contact me if you need help.

  • head (n) [hed]: người đứng đầu, lãnh đạo   

Ví dụ: Our headmaster is very kind.                                       

  • Communist ['kɔmjunist] Youth Union: Đoàn thanh niên cộng sản

Ví dụ: I’ve been accepted to the Communist Youth Union for 4 years.

  • friendly match (n): trận đấu giao hữu  

Ví dụ: I personally don’t like friendly matches.                                                             

  • field (n) [fi:ld]: sân  

Ví dụ: The field will be rebuilt next year.                                                                                                   

  • play [plei] (v) for: chơi cho  

Ví dụ: He has been playing for that club since 2000.                                                             

  • club (n) [klʌb]: câu lạc bộ                                                                     
  • again (adv) [ə'gen]: lần nữa, nữa

Ví dụ: I would be very grateful if I could dance with you again.                                                                                 

  • wait (v) [weit] for: đợi

Ví dụ: She’s been waiting for the bus for 2 hours.

  • weak (adj) [wi:k]: yếu ớt 

Ví dụ: The dog is so weak that he can’t get through the pain.                                                                                           

  • ticket (n) ['tikit]: vé

Ví dụ: Book the tickets in advance to gat the good seat.

  • lose[lu:z]-lost-lost (v): thua

Ví dụ: We lost the game, which upsets the coach a lot.                                                             

  • world cup [kʌp] (n): cúp thế giớ

Ví dụ: Everybody is looking forward to the World Cup.

  • realise (v) ['riəlaiz]: nhận rõ, thực hiện  

Ví dụ: Only when I got home did I realised that I had forgotten the umbrella.                                            

  • lend [lend]-lent-lent (v): cho mượn (lend sb sth)

Ví dụ: Would you mind lending me your bike?

  • have(got) a headache ['hedeik] (exp.): đau đầu 

Ví dụ: I’m so tired now because I’ve got a headache.                               

  • aspirin (n) ['æspərin]: thuốc atpirin

Ví dụ: Take some aspirins and you’ll feel better.

  • fill (v) [fil]: đổ đầy, rót đầy

Ví dụ: Fill in the form to register in the course.                                                                                           

  • bucket (n) ['bʌkit]: cái xô

Ví dụ: Shall we play the ice bucket challenge?                                                         

  • repaint (v) [ri:'peint]: sơn lại

Ví dụ: My house needs repainting.

  • show (v)  [∫ou]: chỉ, cho xem

Ví dụ: Let me show you my new shoes.                                                         

  • completely (adv) [kəm'pli:tli]: hoàn toàn

Ví dụ: I’m completely impressed by the view from the balcony.


B, Structure:    

Will vs Going to


a. Khi nói về hành động trong tương lai ta dùng cả "will" và "be going to", song giữa chúng vẫn có sự khác nhau

  • Ta dùng Will khi quyết định làm việc gì đó ở vào tại thời điểm đang nói. Người nói không quyết định điều đó trước lúc nói.
  • Ta dùng Going to khi đã quyết định làm việc gì đó rồi.

b. WillGoing to để nói điều mà ta cho rằng sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai

Ví dụ: Do you think he will come with us?

  1. Tuy nhiên khi dự đoán một điều gì đó sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai gần mà có điều gì đó trong hiện tại hiện hữu thì ta dùng Going to. Dựa vào tình huống hiện tại người nói chắc một điều gì đó sẽ xảy ra.


Ví dụ: Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain.

c. Ngoài ra ta dùng Will cho những trường hợp sau:

  1. Đề nghị được làm việc gì đó.

Ví dụ: I need some money. Don't worry. I'll lend you some.

  1. Đồng ý hoặc từ chối làm việc gì đó.

Ví dụ: I’ll never help you anymore!

  1. Hứa việc gì đó

Ví dụ: Thank you for lending me the money. I'll pay you back on Friday.

  1. Yêu cầu ai làm việc gì đó

Ví dụ: Will you turn on the TV, please?

  1. Will được dùng nói về tương lại hay để dự đoán tương lai

Ví dụ: You will fail the exam unless you study hard.

  1. Will còn được dùng để diễn tả sự mời mọc, sự giúp đỡ

Ví dụ: I will stop time for you.


C, Exercises:

Ex1: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:

1/ Thank you for visting me when I was ill - it was very _______ of you.

A. think                  B. thought          C. thoughtful                    D. thinking

2/ The fire caused _______ damage to the town.

A. consider             B. considerable  C. considerate                  D. considered

3/ The Prime Minister was guest of _______ at the dinner.

A. honor                 B. honors           C. honorable                    D. honorably

4/ Spending 12 hours on a plane isn't a very _______ prospect.

A. attract                B. attraction       C. attractive                    D. attractively

5/ _______ of John, I saw a friend of his last week.

A. Talk                   B. Talker            C. Talkative                   D. Talking

6/ She was a key _______ in the reorganization of the health service.

A. play                   B. player             C. playable                    D. playful


Ex2: Choose the words whose underlined parts need corecting

  1. Do you think she is going to visit us?

A              B               C                 D

  1. Look at these cats! They will catch the big mouse.

            A                            B         C                        D

  1. You are going to pass the exam if you study hard.

                        A                                  B           C      D

  1. Thank you for lending me your book. I’m going to give it back to

             A                                          B             C                     D

you soon.


  1. Hurry up or we miss the bus.

A               B     C           D





1/ C: cấu trúc câu khen/chê

2/ C: considerate(a): đáng kể

3/ A: guest of honor: khách mời danh dự

4/ C: cần 1 adj sau very

5/ D: cụm hiện tại phân từ chủ động

6/ B: cần 1 N sau adj ‘key’


1.C à will

2.C à are going to catch

3. A à will

4. C à will

5. C à will miss

Bài viết gợi ý: